Thursday, August 05, 2010

Gujarat Home Minister

It was in the news recently that Gujarat Home Minister has been taken into custody by the CBI on July 25, 2010. Soon, his birth details were on circulation in the astrology discussion groups on the net. One can never be sure whether these details are accurate or not. But, it would be interesting to see whether such an event could be explained using his horoscope. If such an event could be explained, probably the birth details are accurate.

Long before, an article was published on this site on “Bandhana Yoga” in detail. One could refer to that get the technicalities covering this Yoga. This article attempts to see whether such a yoga exists in the chart of the native based on those principles presented before.

The birth details available on the internet are as follows:

DOB: October 22, 1964
TOB: 5:20 hrs
POB: Mumbai

Just to briefly mention the Yoga, the lagna lord and 6th lords should occupy a Kendra or kona, 6th lord should afflict the lagna lord and one of Rahu, Ketu or Saturn should afflict both the lagna lord and the sixth lord. In addition, the event will unfold during appropriate dasha bhuktis of the planets thus involved.

In this chart, the Bandhana Yoga can be seen from the Moon sign.

Lord of Moon sign: Mars
Lord of the 6th from the Moon Sign: Mercury

Both Mars and Mercury occupy Kendras from Moon. This one of the conditions required for the yoga.

The nakshatra lord Mars is Mercury. That way Mercury afflicts Mars. Moreover, Mars itself is deeply debilitated and aspects Mercury in turn in Rasi. Clearly, there is a good sambandha between Mars and Mercury.

Rahu, one of the three malefics cited in the definition afflicts both Mars and Mercury. Mercury is in trines to Rahu and Mars is in the 12th house from the direction of Rahu’s movement. Rahu leaves a trail in its previous sign and hence has its influence on that sign too. In addition, Mercury is in the nakshatra of Rahu.

The Vimshottari dasha sequence of the date of the event is as follows:


This period starts on July 20, 2010 and the native was taken into custody on July 25, 2010.

The involvement of Rahu is pretty clear. Saturn plays his role for two reasons, i) it is in Aquarius, a sign co-lorded by Rahu, ii) Saturn is in trines to Rahu and hence will be clearly influenced by Rahu. Sun’s involvement can also be explained with two reasons – i) Sun is closely conjunct the 6th lord (from Moon) Mercury and, ii) Sun is in the nakshatra of Mars who is the sufferer here. Thus Sun connects both Mars and Mercury.

After Rah-Sat, it will be Rah-Mer, a period which not favourable to the native as Mercury is involved in the Bandhana Yoga. It appears that it will be a while before the native breaths the air of freedom. However, it is still not possible to establish accurately the astrological criteria for release from confinement.

© Krishnamurthy Seetharama


Sumesh said...

I read your articles with great interest. A small observation on this - isn't Saturn aspecting both mars and Mercury by rashi aspect?

AstroKrishna said...
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