Every time a new Jyotish technique is offered, it is a challenge to show that the same technique works in the case of multiple births as well. If the technique is sound, it should work well for multiple births also. This article demonstrates the same for the BTR technique offered earlier.
In another post, Krishna’s BTR technique has been explained in detail. It might be difficult to follow this article unless the technique is understood first.
The latest version of the technique may be found at:
Krishna's BTR Technique
In another post, Krishna’s BTR technique has been explained in detail. It might be difficult to follow this article unless the technique is understood first.
The latest version of the technique may be found at:
Krishna's BTR Technique
While applying this technique for individual births, it has been demonstrated that the Lagna gets aligned to the best placed planet in the chart. Logically, one might think that for multiple births, the Lagna for each baby gets aligned to the best, 2nd best, 3rd best… placed planets depending on whether they are twins, triplets… etc. This author also had a similar expectation. And, that indeed was found to be true! It is interesting to note that the Lagna for the first baby gets aligned to the best placed planet; the Lagna for the second baby gets aligned to the second best placed planet and so on depending on the number of babies in a single pregnancy. It is really amazing to observe this fascinating truth!
With this additional note, Krishna’s BTR technique that is applicable for individual births is also applicable for multiple births as well without any change.
As the details of the technique could be obtained from the link above, Examples are presented here straight away.
Here, no attempt has been made to pick a different set of examples for demonstrating the applicability of Krishna’s BTR technique for multiple births. Bulk of the examples used here are the same ones that were used to demonstrate another theory on twin births in one of the earlier
The last example of Octuplets is a must read for those who are keen on understanding this technique of Birth Time Rectification. The full essence of the technique can be seen in that as the Lagna gets aligned with all the 8 planets to get the rectified birth times for all the 8 babies, within a span of just 5 minutes!
A. Cynthia Watros Twins

Planet | Comments on the placement of the planet |
Sun | In Rasi Sandhi |
Moon | EN |
Mars | EXN |
Mercury | OW |
Jupiter | BE |
Venus | VG(OW) 54%, also wins Graha Yuddha |
Saturn | NU, loses Graha Yuddha |
Rahu | NU |
Venus is Vargottama with reasonable strength. Venus and Saturn are involved in a Graha Yuddha . According to BPHS , Venus is always the winner. Even without taking Graha Yuddha into account, Venus is the best placed planet. Winning Graha Yuddha gives it additional strength. Hence, undoubtedly Venus is the best placed planet in this chart. The second best would be Mars by virtue of being exalted in Navamsha.
Aligning the Lagna with Venus, the rectified birth time for the first baby is 23:15:34.4 as against a recorded time of 23:18 hrs.
Aligning the Lagna with Mars, the rectified birth time for the second baby is 23:20:13.7 as against a recorded time of 23:20 hrs.
B. Bush Twins

Planet | Comments on the placement of the planet |
Sun | GO(CF) |
Moon | In Rasi Sandhi, Close to being DB |
Mars | VG(OW) 99% |
Mercury | GO in both Rasi & Navamsha (not VG) |
Jupiter | GO(NU) |
Venus | GO(FR) |
Saturn | GO(CF) |
Rahu | Dispositor in Rasi Sandhi |
Here, Mars undergoes Parivartana with Sun in Rasi. As a result, Mars behaves like a Vargottama in its own Sign. Mercury undergoes Srinkhala with Ketu and Saturn in Rasi and is in Parivartana with Moon in Navamsha. Though this does not give a Vargottama status (as Mercury GOes to two different signs), Mercury behaves as if it is in its own sign in both Rasi and Navamsha. This status appears to be better than that of rest of the planets except Mars. Hence, Mercury takes the second spot.
Aligning the Lagna with Mars, the rectified birth time for the first baby is 9:52:34.9 as against the recorded time of 9:50 hrs.
Aligning the Lagna with Mercury, the rectified birth time for the second baby is 10:03:26.7 as against the recorded time of 10:05 hrs.
C. Jolie-Pitt Twins

Planet | Comments on the placement of the planet |
Sun | VG(NU) 12%, hence only NU |
Moon | EXN |
Mars | DB in Navamsha, Wins Graha Yuddha |
Mercury | VG(OW) 59%, hence only OW |
Jupiter | VG(OW) 86% |
Venus | VG(OW) 41%, hence only GO(NU) |
Saturn | NU, loses Graha Yuddha |
Rahu | NU |
Though Mars is debilitated in Navamsha, Moon does not get affected by it as it is exalted in Navamsha.
Though Sun is Vargottama, it does not have enough strength to be reckoned with.
There is one Parivartana in Rasi (Ven-Moon) and a Srinkhala in Navamsha (Ven-Sun-Mer-Jup). As a result, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter all act like Vargottama planets. However, as it is a 4 planet Srinkhala in Navamsha, one should consider planets as Vargottama only when the strength is very high. On this count, only Jupiter of the three qualifies.
Obviously Jupiter is the best placed planet followed by Moon as the second best by virtue of being exalted in Navamsha.
Aligning the Lagna with Jupiter, the rectified birth time of the first baby is 18:35:26.4 as against a recorded birth time of 18:27 hrs.
Aligning the Lagna with Moon, the rectified birth time of the second baby is 18:37:05 as against a recorded birth time of 18:28 hrs.
The difference between rectified and recorded times seem to be a bit on the higher side in this case, possibly either due to either inaccurate clock or inefficient recording.
D. Twins of Jennifer Lopez

Planet | Comments on the placement of the planet |
Sun | GO(BE) |
Moon | NU |
Mars | BE, Dispos DB Rahu in Navamsha |
Mercury | EN |
Jupiter | OW |
Venus | NU |
Saturn | GO(BE) |
Rahu | DB in Navamsha |
The best placed planet is Jupiter. As there is no planet eligible for the second spot, it is necessary to look into the next best category which is NU for this chart. Moon and Venus are in a tie. Venus has the highest Shadbala as compared to Moon. Hence, Venus gets the second spot after Jupiter.
Aligning Lagna with Jupiter, the rectified time for the first baby is 0:12:29.4 as against a recorded time of 0:12 hrs.
Aligning the Lagna with Venus, the rectified time for the second baby is 0:22:01.7 as against the recorded birth time of 0:23 hrs.
E. Penn Triplets

These triplets were born just 5 days after the Lopez twins. Here the actual birth times of the babies are not published. The published information says that the deliveries happened around 3pm. It would be interesting to see what might be the actual birth times for each of the three babies.
The top 2 planets are Venus and Jupiter. Though Jupiter gets the top spot by virtue of being in its own sign, it should be noted that the Sahdbala of Jupiter is below par, it is only 92% of the minimum required to consider it as strongly placed. Hence, Jupiter should be ignored. Venus becomes the best placed planet by virtue of winning the Graha Yuddha and also the NU placement which is better than the rest. Second and third spots should be decided based on the next category which is related to BE and has three planets Sun, Saturn and Mars. Based on Shadbala, Mars and Sun take second and third spots respectively.
Aligning the Lagna with Venus, the rectified time for the first baby is 14:51:23.9 hrs.
Aligning the Lagna with Mars, the rectified time for the second baby is 14:56:40.4 hrs.
Aligning the Lagna with Sun, the rectified time for the third baby is 15:03:26.4 hrs.
It appears that all the babies are delivered within a span of about 12 minutes and the above times are in-line with the official version that the deliveries took place around 3pm!
F. Dennis Quaid Twins
Though Sun is in debilitation sign in Rasi, it has crossed the deep point of debilitation by a good distance. Hence, it is not considered as debilitated. It is also exalted in Navamsha.
Ideally, Sun should take the top spot and Rahu should take the second spot. However, both these planets don’t offer any alignment to the Lagna in the vicinity of the recorded birth times! This example does not fall in place. Hence, this requires further investigation. This will be taken up subsequently.
However, it is interesting to note that there are two planets Jupiter and Saturn that provide alignment to the Lagna around the recorded times:
Aligning the Lagna with Jupiter, the rectified birth time for the first baby is 8:30:36 as against a recorded birth time of 8:26 hrs.
Aligning the Lagna with Saturn, the rectified birth time for the second baby is 8:31:29.7 as against a recorded birth time of 8:28 hrs.
This is definitely a puzzling case and warrants further investigation.
G. Barclay Twins
The best placed planet is Rahu as each of the other planets are tainted for one or the other reason. In the second best category we have Moon and Saturn both are indirectly affected as they disposit DB planets in Navamsha. Between the two, Saturn fares better as it occupies its own sign in Rasi where as Moon is in a Neutral sign. Also, Saturn has better Shadbala. Hence, the second best would be Saturn.
Aligning the Lagna with Rahu, the rectified birth time for David Barclay is 17:57:18.68 as against a recorded birth time of 18:00 hrs.
Aligning the Lagna with Saturn, the rectified birth time for Frederick Barclay is 18:08:28.92 as against a recorded birth time of 18:10 hrs.
H. Bellflower Octuplets
Actually, in the case of Octuplets, the Lagna should get aligned to all the 8 planets! It is also possible that it need not get aligned with all the planets if it can have more than one alignment with one more planets in the given time frame. In this case, the time frame was very stringent as all the eight babies were born within a span of 5 minutes! The first baby was reported to born at 10:43 hrs. The chart is cast for this time.
Both Mars and Mercury are Vargottams. But Mars is better placed as it is Vargottama in CF’s sign and Mercury is Vargottama in FR’s sign. Both of them are in Graha Yuddha as well and Mercury appears to have won the War.
For the first baby, the Lagna is expected to get an alignment with Mars, though it is slightly affected by losing Graha Yuddha.
Next is Mercury as it is Vargottama in a friendly sign.
Exaltation placement of Sun in Navamsha should be ignored as it is placed in BE sign in Rasi. Third place should go to Rahu as Rahu is EXN and placed in a NU sign in Rasi.
The last two spots will be taken up by Moon (7th) and Jupiter (8th) as they are severely combust, Moon being the better of the two.
Now, among the remaining three planets, their ranking (4th, 5th and 6th) between Venus, Sun and Saturn should be determined. Venus is placed in NU few slots above Sun and Sat who are in BE. Hence, Venus should get the 4th spot, Sun the 5th (higher Shadbala than Saturn) and Saturn should get the 6th spot.
Hence, the ranking of the planets based on their placements is as follows:
A table of recorded times of birth and rectified times of birth is given below:
Looking at the rectified birth times and the corresponding planets that the Lagna gets aligned to, it appears that Saturn and Rahu seem to have swapped their places. All others are in the right order. Knowing the affinity with each other (Sanivad Rahu) and considering the fact that Rahu is disposited by Saturn, this kind of swapping should not be a surprise.
It is evident from the above examples that the BTR theory proposed is very well applicable to multiple births also.
It is not a coincidence that it was possible to align the Lagna with all the eight planets within a span of 5 minutes and also get the ranking of the planets reasonably right in the Octuplets case. It is a tough test case and the success there gives a big thumps up to the technique proposed beyond any doubt!
Planet | Comments on the placement of the planet |
Sun | GO(BE) |
Moon | In Rasi Sandhi |
Mars | BE, Disps DB Rahu in Navamsha |
Mercury | EN, Loses Graha Yuddha |
Jupiter | OW, Shadbala below 100% |
Venus | NU, Wins Graha Yuddha |
Saturn | GO(BE) |
Rahu | DB in Navamsha |
The top 2 planets are Venus and Jupiter. Though Jupiter gets the top spot by virtue of being in its own sign, it should be noted that the Sahdbala of Jupiter is below par, it is only 92% of the minimum required to consider it as strongly placed. Hence, Jupiter should be ignored. Venus becomes the best placed planet by virtue of winning the Graha Yuddha and also the NU placement which is better than the rest. Second and third spots should be decided based on the next category which is related to BE and has three planets Sun, Saturn and Mars. Based on Shadbala, Mars and Sun take second and third spots respectively.
Aligning the Lagna with Venus, the rectified time for the first baby is 14:51:23.9 hrs.
Aligning the Lagna with Mars, the rectified time for the second baby is 14:56:40.4 hrs.
Aligning the Lagna with Sun, the rectified time for the third baby is 15:03:26.4 hrs.
It appears that all the babies are delivered within a span of about 12 minutes and the above times are in-line with the official version that the deliveries took place around 3pm!
F. Dennis Quaid Twins

These twins were born via a gestational carrier – a woman who carries another couple's baby conceived by the parents' own egg and sperm. The babies did not develop in the womb of their biological mother and not delivered by their biological mother. As it is a special scenario, this case would be interesting to study.
Planet | Comments on the placement of the planet |
Sun | EXN |
Moon | FR |
Mars | BE |
Mercury | VG(CF)17%, hence only CF |
Jupiter | NU |
Venus | GO(CF) |
Saturn | NU |
Rahu | OW |
Though Sun is in debilitation sign in Rasi, it has crossed the deep point of debilitation by a good distance. Hence, it is not considered as debilitated. It is also exalted in Navamsha.
Ideally, Sun should take the top spot and Rahu should take the second spot. However, both these planets don’t offer any alignment to the Lagna in the vicinity of the recorded birth times! This example does not fall in place. Hence, this requires further investigation. This will be taken up subsequently.
However, it is interesting to note that there are two planets Jupiter and Saturn that provide alignment to the Lagna around the recorded times:
Aligning the Lagna with Jupiter, the rectified birth time for the first baby is 8:30:36 as against a recorded birth time of 8:26 hrs.
Aligning the Lagna with Saturn, the rectified birth time for the second baby is 8:31:29.7 as against a recorded birth time of 8:28 hrs.
This is definitely a puzzling case and warrants further investigation.
G. Barclay Twins

Barclay twins are famous business tycoons and millionaire twins in UK. They work in background and they did not allow publicly being photographed since 1983!
Planet | Comments on the placement of the planet |
Sun | DB, below 100% shadbala |
Moon | Disps DB Mars in Navamsha |
Mars | DB in Navamsha |
Mercury | FR, below 100% shadbala |
Jupiter | >50% Combust |
Venus | >50% Combust |
Saturn | Disps DB Jupiter in Navamsha |
Rahu | FR |
The best placed planet is Rahu as each of the other planets are tainted for one or the other reason. In the second best category we have Moon and Saturn both are indirectly affected as they disposit DB planets in Navamsha. Between the two, Saturn fares better as it occupies its own sign in Rasi where as Moon is in a Neutral sign. Also, Saturn has better Shadbala. Hence, the second best would be Saturn.
Aligning the Lagna with Rahu, the rectified birth time for David Barclay is 17:57:18.68 as against a recorded birth time of 18:00 hrs.
Aligning the Lagna with Saturn, the rectified birth time for Frederick Barclay is 18:08:28.92 as against a recorded birth time of 18:10 hrs.
H. Bellflower Octuplets
Actually, in the case of Octuplets, the Lagna should get aligned to all the 8 planets! It is also possible that it need not get aligned with all the planets if it can have more than one alignment with one more planets in the given time frame. In this case, the time frame was very stringent as all the eight babies were born within a span of 5 minutes! The first baby was reported to born at 10:43 hrs. The chart is cast for this time.
Planet | Comments on the placement of the planet |
Sun | GO(BE) |
Moon | >50% Combust |
Mars | VG(CF), Loses Graha Yuddha |
Mercury | VG(FR), Wins Graha Yuddha |
Jupiter | >50% Combust |
Venus | In Rasi Sandhi, NU |
Saturn | GO (BE) |
Rahu | EXN |
Both Mars and Mercury are Vargottams. But Mars is better placed as it is Vargottama in CF’s sign and Mercury is Vargottama in FR’s sign. Both of them are in Graha Yuddha as well and Mercury appears to have won the War.
For the first baby, the Lagna is expected to get an alignment with Mars, though it is slightly affected by losing Graha Yuddha.
Next is Mercury as it is Vargottama in a friendly sign.
Exaltation placement of Sun in Navamsha should be ignored as it is placed in BE sign in Rasi. Third place should go to Rahu as Rahu is EXN and placed in a NU sign in Rasi.
The last two spots will be taken up by Moon (7th) and Jupiter (8th) as they are severely combust, Moon being the better of the two.
Now, among the remaining three planets, their ranking (4th, 5th and 6th) between Venus, Sun and Saturn should be determined. Venus is placed in NU few slots above Sun and Sat who are in BE. Hence, Venus should get the 4th spot, Sun the 5th (higher Shadbala than Saturn) and Saturn should get the 6th spot.
Hence, the ranking of the planets based on their placements is as follows:
A table of recorded times of birth and rectified times of birth is given below:
Baby | Recorded BT | Alignment with | Rectified BT |
A | 10:43 | Mars | 10:39:51.95 |
B | 10:44 | Mercury | 10:39:57.94 |
C | 10:45 | Saturn | 10:40:58.07 |
D | 10:45 | Venus | 10:41:42.75 |
E | 10:46 | Sun | 10:42:03.9 |
F | 10:47 | Rahu | 10:42:36.2 |
G | 10:47 | Moon | 10:43:13.35 |
H | 10:48 | Jupiter | 10:44.11.32 |
Looking at the rectified birth times and the corresponding planets that the Lagna gets aligned to, it appears that Saturn and Rahu seem to have swapped their places. All others are in the right order. Knowing the affinity with each other (Sanivad Rahu) and considering the fact that Rahu is disposited by Saturn, this kind of swapping should not be a surprise.
It is evident from the above examples that the BTR theory proposed is very well applicable to multiple births also.
It is not a coincidence that it was possible to align the Lagna with all the eight planets within a span of 5 minutes and also get the ranking of the planets reasonably right in the Octuplets case. It is a tough test case and the success there gives a big thumps up to the technique proposed beyond any doubt!
i didnt get what iss written there..............but can i kno that wehter i have vargottam yog or not
my dob is 6 may 1984
time is 3:38 pm
place is amravati maharashtra
Though Mercury is vargottama, it is weak by virtue of being close to Gandanta Sandhi and being placed in an enemy sign. However, Mars will behave like a vargottama in own sign by virtue of having parivartana in both Rasi and Navamsha
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