Showing posts with label Mahatma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mahatma. Show all posts

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Mahatma Gandhi and Bandhana Yoga

Ever since I stumbled up on Bandhana Yoga (ref: Please read my earlier article from July 2007 for the definition of Bandhana Yoga), I always wondered if it possible to explain this Yoga using Mahatma Gandhi’s chart, as all of us know that Mahatma Gandhi was arrested multiple times through out his life. He was not only arrested by British in India, he was also arrested by South African regime in South Africa. Hence, it is very interesting to view Mahatma Gandhi’s Chart from the angle of Bandhana Yoga. Initially, when I looked at this chart, I failed to recognise the yoga formation. Probably, I didn’t look carefully enough and I might have not looked at both Rasi and Bhava charts. I was also thinking that the birth time of Mahatma Gandhi that we have today is not quite reliable (Refer to details given in Astrodatabank). May be because of this reason I did not look at his chart hard enough. After I wrote my article on Bandhana Yoga, I decided to take a closer look at Mahatma Gandhi’s chart. To my surprise, I found more than one combinations of Bandha Yoga in his chart! His Yoga formation is not very strong (not strictly as per classical definition, unlike that of Nelson Mandela or Suu Kyi) and I attribute this reason for his short stints behind the bars. Astrodabank gives 7:11:48 am LMT as the birth time with the following comments to arrive at the correct birth time of Mahatma Gandhi: