Showing posts with label Dandruff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dandruff. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Small Problem, Big Headache! (Dandruff)

In our life, many a times, we encounter problems which are not of life and death in nature or serious enough to go to a Doctor or even an Astrologer in a hurry. But, they keep on nagging and even become a source of embarrassment at times. Especially, Astrologers who face serious questions of life everyday wouldn’t be bothered by their clients for such ‘silly matters’. I picked up one such issue for study as this nagging problem was troubling my daughter.

Ever wondered what common problem is troubling/troubled these celebrities – Bill Gates, Brad Pitt, Gordon Brown and John Lennon? No, it is nothing to do with Fame, Following or Fortune. It is Dandruff! Yes, all these men suffer(ed) from the same problem. It is not difficult to find someone with dandruff problem even in our own home or in the neighbourhood. Yet, no one has formulated any Astrological Combination for dandruff problem. As I said earlier, probably no one thought this subject is important enough to take up for study. Anyway, people who really suffer from this problem might disagree. According to Proctor and Gamble, it affects more than 50% of the population of the USA! The number could be similar in India as well.