Monday, May 27, 2019

Twins of Irom Sharmila

Irom Sharmila became a national headline as she went on a fast for 16 years to protest about the problems faced by people of her state. After breaking her fast, she got married to a British citizen and settled down in Southern India. She was in the news again when she gave birth to twins recently in a Bangalore hospital.

I thought it would be interesting to check out my theory on twins using this case and determine whether the twins are identical or not.

According to the news reports, she delivered two baby girls on May 12, 2019 at 9:21 am. I presumed this is the birth time of the first baby and wanted to find out the birth time of the second baby using my theory on birth time rectification

Mars was sitting on the Navamsha border. A small change in time could put it in a different Navamsha. Hence, this became a very Ayanamsha sensitive case. After examining different Ayanamshas, I settled for 'Traditional Lahiri' Ayanamsha. Following is the chart for the given time:

After accounting for Parivartana both in Rasi and in Navamsha, Mars acting vargottama in its MT sign is the strongest planet in the chart. Though Lagna lord Mercury and 12th Lord Venus are conjunct, my theory of birth time rectification is still applicable as there is a strong vargottama planet in the chart. Using longitude of Mars as the time indicator for the first baby, the rectification time arrived at was 9:22:01. Venus being the second strongest planet being vargottama in a friendly sign, I used the longitude of Venus to determine the rectified birth time for the second baby. It turned out to be 9:24:20. Since, I had some contacts in the hospital where Irom delivered, I contacted a doctor there to get the actual birth times of the two babies. The time I got from this doctor is as follows:

Baby 1 - 9:21:50
Baby 2 - 9:22:40

I was happy to observe that the hospital was recording seconds also. Though the actual and rectified birth times for baby 1 are pretty close (difference of 11 seconds only), the difference for the second baby is pretty large (about one and a half minutes). Hence, it would need further investigation to determine the cause for the difference. If both times differed by similar amounts of time (even if it is one and a half minutes), it would have been acceptable.

Next, to verify the planetary conditions for birth of twins, my theory highlights the following two combinations:

[Rule 1]
 Take a look at the Lagna lord or its dispositor. One of the two following conditions can be seen: [Rule 1]
  • LL or its dispositor is involved in a Parivartana/Srinkhala[2] either in Rasi or in Constellation, or
  • LL or its dispositor disposits its own Rasi dispositor in Constellation (mixed Parivartana?), or
  • LL or its dispositor is closely conjunct with its dispositor (this condition has been modified after the publication)
[Rule 2]
Lord of 11th house (representing multiplicity) or the karaka of 11th house Jupiter influences Lagna or Lagna Lord by ownership or by conjunction or by graha drishti.

In this case, the LL is Mercury and its dispositor is Mars. Here first part of Rule-1 is satisfied as Mercury and Mars are in Parivartana. Since, LL Mercury is placed in the11th house and is in Parivartana with 11 lord Mars, Rule-2 above gets satisfied.

The next step was to determine if the two girls are identical or not. My theory states the following rule:

[Rule 3]
  • The 3rd lord and 11th lord are in close conjunction, hardly 1 degree apart! (or it could be within the same nakshatra pada), or
  • There is a Parivartana/Srinkhala between the 3rd lord and the 11th lord either in Rasi or in Constellation.

In this particular case, though 3rd lord Sun is placed in the 11th house, it is neither conjunct with 11L Mars nor Mars is placed in the 3rd house. Hence, the girls are not identical. However, notice that half of the condition is satisfied. Also, by parivartana Mars acts as if it is placed in the 11th house where Sun is also placed. It indirectly satisfies the first part of Rule-3 above. This made me think if this is a case of half identical twins or Sesquizygotic. This happens when the egg splits into two before fertilization and they get fertilized by two different sperms. Since the egg has identical properties for both the babies they could be half identical. However, the doctor I contacted at the hospital could only confirm that the babies are not identical.