Unique features of a twin's chart
(published in Saptarishis astro magazine Aug. 2008 issue)
Charts of twins have challenged astrologers since ages. It has been observed that many twins have lived quite different lives over time. People talk about looking into either varga charts or cuspal links to understand the differences in their charts as well as in their lives. However, the focus of this research is not on that but something even more basic. The purpose was to check if the planets leave any specific foot-prints in the charts of twins. Some basic questions that came up were – what are the special characteristics of a twin’s natal chart? Is it possible to know through astrology whether the twins are identical or fraternal? and what the sex of the babies could be? The search for answers began. What was found may not necessarily be the complete blueprint of a twin’s chart. At the same time, it is believed that some clear watermarks could be found in such charts.
Before looking at the charts of twins, let us first look at what twins are and the types that we generally come across. The following information was gathered from Wikipedia[1]:
Twins are two offspring’s resulting from the same pregnancy, either of the same or opposite sex. Mainly there are three types of twins:
1. Fraternal twins (commonly known as "non-identical twins") usually occur when two fertilized eggs are implanted in the uterine wall at the same time. Fraternal twins, like any other siblings, have an extremely small chance of having the exact same chromosome profile. Like any other siblings, fraternal twins may look very similar, particularly given that they are the same age. However, fraternal twins may also look very different from each other. They may be different sexes or the same sex. The same holds true for brothers and sisters from the same parents, meaning that fraternal twins are simply brothers and/or sisters who happen to have the same age. They may or may not have the same blood type.
2. Identical Twins occur when a single egg is fertilized to form one zygote (monozygotic) which then divides into two separate embryos. Their traits and physical appearances are not exactly the same; although they have identical DNA, environmental conditions both inside the womb and throughout their lives influence the switching on & off of various genes. Rarely, the zygote may split extremely late, resulting in conjoined twins. Monozygotic twins are genetically identical (unless there has been a mutation in development) and they are usually the same sex and same blood type.
3. Semi-Identical Twins are hypothesized to occur when an unfertilized egg cleaves into two identical attached ova and which are viable for fertilization. Both cloned ova are then fertilized by different sperm and the coalesced eggs undergo further cell duplications developing as a chimeric blastomere. If this blastomere then undergoes a twinning event, two embryos will be formed, each of which have different paternal genes and identical maternal genes. This results in a set of twins with identical genes from the mother's side, but different genes from the father's side. They may or may not have the same blood type. This is a rare phenomenon.
As it is too difficult to get charts of Semi-identical twins, no attempt to study that category has been made. The main question was - What are the unique features of a twin birth? Definitely, the following points are of prime importance –
a) For the baby, sharing mother’s womb with another life simultaneously and
b) Also a multiplicity factor that comes into play.
For the part a) The Ascendant (lagna) Lord (LL) and its disposition was looked into. For the part b) 11th lord or Jupiter’s (karaka of 11th house) influence on Lagna/LL was looked into.
Also, other questions popped up - is it possible to tell whether the twins are Identical or Fraternal by looking at the chart? And, is it possible to identify the sexes of the twins? The last question remains unanswered.
Before looking at the charts of twins, let us first look at what twins are and the types that we generally come across. The following information was gathered from Wikipedia[1]:
Twins are two offspring’s resulting from the same pregnancy, either of the same or opposite sex. Mainly there are three types of twins:
1. Fraternal twins (commonly known as "non-identical twins") usually occur when two fertilized eggs are implanted in the uterine wall at the same time. Fraternal twins, like any other siblings, have an extremely small chance of having the exact same chromosome profile. Like any other siblings, fraternal twins may look very similar, particularly given that they are the same age. However, fraternal twins may also look very different from each other. They may be different sexes or the same sex. The same holds true for brothers and sisters from the same parents, meaning that fraternal twins are simply brothers and/or sisters who happen to have the same age. They may or may not have the same blood type.
2. Identical Twins occur when a single egg is fertilized to form one zygote (monozygotic) which then divides into two separate embryos. Their traits and physical appearances are not exactly the same; although they have identical DNA, environmental conditions both inside the womb and throughout their lives influence the switching on & off of various genes. Rarely, the zygote may split extremely late, resulting in conjoined twins. Monozygotic twins are genetically identical (unless there has been a mutation in development) and they are usually the same sex and same blood type.
3. Semi-Identical Twins are hypothesized to occur when an unfertilized egg cleaves into two identical attached ova and which are viable for fertilization. Both cloned ova are then fertilized by different sperm and the coalesced eggs undergo further cell duplications developing as a chimeric blastomere. If this blastomere then undergoes a twinning event, two embryos will be formed, each of which have different paternal genes and identical maternal genes. This results in a set of twins with identical genes from the mother's side, but different genes from the father's side. They may or may not have the same blood type. This is a rare phenomenon.
As it is too difficult to get charts of Semi-identical twins, no attempt to study that category has been made. The main question was - What are the unique features of a twin birth? Definitely, the following points are of prime importance –
a) For the baby, sharing mother’s womb with another life simultaneously and
b) Also a multiplicity factor that comes into play.
For the part a) The Ascendant (lagna) Lord (LL) and its disposition was looked into. For the part b) 11th lord or Jupiter’s (karaka of 11th house) influence on Lagna/LL was looked into.
Also, other questions popped up - is it possible to tell whether the twins are Identical or Fraternal by looking at the chart? And, is it possible to identify the sexes of the twins? The last question remains unanswered.
After studying considerable number of charts, the following combinations started emerging in the charts of twins:
1. Take a look at the Lagna lord or its dispositor. One of the two following conditions can be seen: [Rule 1]
1. Take a look at the Lagna lord or its dispositor. One of the two following conditions can be seen: [Rule 1]
- LL or its dispositor is involved in a Parivartana/Srinkhala[2] either in Rasi or in Constellation, or
- LL or its dispositor disposits its own Rasi dispositor in Constellation (mixed Parivartana?), or
- LL or its dispositor is closely conjunct with its dispositor (this condition has been modified after the publication)
[Rule 2]
2. Lord of 11th house (representing multiplicity) or the karaka of 11th house Jupiter influences Lagna or Lagna Lord by ownership or by conjunction or by graha drishti.
It was observed that both the above factors are invariably found in all twin’s charts.
Special Feature of Identical Twin’s chart
Identical twins share an exceptionally special relationship with each other. Since they are made of the same egg and the same sperm, they share the closest relationship as compared to other siblings or even other types of twins. Here, for the native, the other twin is a younger sibling and an elder sibling both rolled into one! This is because; there is absolutely no time difference in the conception of the two. It would have happened exactly at the same moment. One expected to see a very close relationship between 3rd lord and 11th lord and indeed it was there! You would find one of the following conditions in the identical twins charts:
2. Lord of 11th house (representing multiplicity) or the karaka of 11th house Jupiter influences Lagna or Lagna Lord by ownership or by conjunction or by graha drishti.
It was observed that both the above factors are invariably found in all twin’s charts.
Special Feature of Identical Twin’s chart
Identical twins share an exceptionally special relationship with each other. Since they are made of the same egg and the same sperm, they share the closest relationship as compared to other siblings or even other types of twins. Here, for the native, the other twin is a younger sibling and an elder sibling both rolled into one! This is because; there is absolutely no time difference in the conception of the two. It would have happened exactly at the same moment. One expected to see a very close relationship between 3rd lord and 11th lord and indeed it was there! You would find one of the following conditions in the identical twins charts:
[Rule 3]
- The 3rd lord and 11th lord are in close conjunction, hardly 1 degree apart! (or it could be within the same nakshatra pada), or
- There is a Parivartana/Srinkhala between the 3rd lord and the 11th lord either in Rasi or in Constellation or in Navamsha.
Though we found a few pointers to determine the sex of the twins, we are not sharing that technique here as the results were not very consistent. Let us now examine below some examples which demonstrate the existence of the combinations that has been suggested earlier for charts of twins.
A. Twins of Jennifer Lopez[3]

1. Lagna lord is Venus and its dispositor is Saturn. Saturn is in Parivartana with Sun. [Rule 1]
2. Lagna is in the constellation of Jupiter (multiplicity). [Rule 2]
3. Type of twins: Fraternal - as there is no close relationship is observed between 3rd lord Jupiter and 11th lord Sun. [Rule 3]
B. Penn Triplets[4]

Allison Penn gave birth to three identical boys during February 2008 in Long Island City, New York, USA. Dr. Victor Klein implanted only one embryo which split in two, followed by one half splitting again. This is the first instance of such an occurrence known in the history of American medicine, according to the doctor. According to the doctor, delivery took place around 3pm and all the births happened in quick succession. We use this time to look at the chart.
1. Lagna Lord is Moon and its dispositor is Mars. These are not in Parivartana/Srinkhala in Rasi. However Moon-Jupiter-Venus are in Srinkhala in the constellation. [Rule 1]
2. 11th lord Venus (multiplicity) aspects Lagna [Rule 2]
3. Type of twins: Identical as here 3rd lord Mercury and the 11th lord Venus are conjunct on the same degree (Capricorn 18)! [Rule 3]
C. Dennis Quaid Twins[5]

1. Lagna Lord is Mars and its dispositor is Mercury. Mercury is in Parivartana with Venus. [Rule 1]
2. Jupiter (karaka for multiplicity) occupies Lagna. [Rule 2]
3. Type of twins: Fraternal as there is no close relationship between 3rd lord Saturn and 11th lord Mercury [Rule 3]
D. Cynthia Watros Twins[6]

1. Lagna Lord is Jupiter and its dispositor is Mercury. Jupiter and Mercury are closely conjunct (only 2.5 degrees apart) [Rule 1]
2. Lagna is in the constellation of 11th lord Saturn (multiplicity) [Rule 2]
3. Type of twins: Identical as there 3rd lord Venus and 11th lord Saturn are closely conjunct on the same degree (Taurus 16)! [Rule 3]
E. Bush Twins[7]

1. Lagna lord is Jupiter and its dispositor is Venus. Venus is in parivartana with Jupiter. [Rule 1]
2. 11th lord Venus (denoting multiplicity) occupies Lagna. Also, Lagna is in the constellation of 11th Lord Venus. [Rule 2]
3. Type of Twins: Fraternal as there is no close relationship between 3rd lord Saturn and 11th lord Venus [Rule 3]
F. Hall Twins[8]

1. Lagna Lord is Mercury and its dispositor is Venus. Venus-Mars-Moon are in Srinkhala in Rasi. [Rule 1]
2. Lagna is in the constellation of 11th lord Moon (multiplicity) [Rule 2]
3. Type of twins: Identical as there 3rd lord Mars and11th lord Moon are in Srinkhala [Rule 3]
F. Jolie-Pitt Twins[9]

This one is the latest, well known twin birth. Please observe the following features of the chart:
1. The co-lord of lagna, Ketu, is disposited by Moon. Moon is in Parivartana with Venus. [Rule 1] Also, the other co-lord Mars is in Srinkhala with its constellation dispositor in constellation itself (Ket-Mer-Rah-Mar).
2. The Lagna falls in the constellation of 11th lord Mercury [Rule 2]
3. Type of Twins: Fraternal as there is no close relationship between 3rd lord Saturn and 11th lord Mercury [Rule 3]
From the above examples it is clearly evident that - what are some of the important signatures in a twin’s chart and how to identify whether the twins are identical or fraternal. Not only these, we have verified many other twin charts shared by friendly astrologers and found the above combinations in them. Our sincere thanks to all of them who made this research a success.
Here are the birth details of an identical twin, which also fits the above identified combinations. Interested readers may try and find the combination on their own:
Male, born on October 16, 1980 at 23:30 hrs, in Quartier Militaire, Mauritius.
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identical_twins#Identical_twins
[2] Srinkala: Parivartnana of more than two planets in a closed loop
[3] http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20171851,00.html
[4] http://www.eyewitnessnewstv.com/Global/story.asp?S=7961511&nav=F2DOdu3B
[5] http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20159254,00.html
[6] http://multiples.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ/Ya&sdn=multiples&cdn=parenting&tm=23&gps=146_225_1123_672&f=11&su=p284.8.150.ip_&tt=14&bt=0&bts=0&zu=http%3A//pregnancyandbaby.com/inside/look/31.htm
[7] http://www.astrotheme.fr/en/portraits/q37dEgquP2Hs.htm
[8] http://www.astrotheme.fr/en/portraits/3k2PdQmuENKa.htm
[9] http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/b146288_angelinas_doctor_calls_brad_my.html
A. Twins of Jennifer Lopez[3]

1. Lagna lord is Venus and its dispositor is Saturn. Saturn is in Parivartana with Sun. [Rule 1]
2. Lagna is in the constellation of Jupiter (multiplicity). [Rule 2]
3. Type of twins: Fraternal - as there is no close relationship is observed between 3rd lord Jupiter and 11th lord Sun. [Rule 3]
B. Penn Triplets[4]

Allison Penn gave birth to three identical boys during February 2008 in Long Island City, New York, USA. Dr. Victor Klein implanted only one embryo which split in two, followed by one half splitting again. This is the first instance of such an occurrence known in the history of American medicine, according to the doctor. According to the doctor, delivery took place around 3pm and all the births happened in quick succession. We use this time to look at the chart.
1. Lagna Lord is Moon and its dispositor is Mars. These are not in Parivartana/Srinkhala in Rasi. However Moon-Jupiter-Venus are in Srinkhala in the constellation. [Rule 1]
2. 11th lord Venus (multiplicity) aspects Lagna [Rule 2]
3. Type of twins: Identical as here 3rd lord Mercury and the 11th lord Venus are conjunct on the same degree (Capricorn 18)! [Rule 3]
C. Dennis Quaid Twins[5]

1. Lagna Lord is Mars and its dispositor is Mercury. Mercury is in Parivartana with Venus. [Rule 1]
2. Jupiter (karaka for multiplicity) occupies Lagna. [Rule 2]
3. Type of twins: Fraternal as there is no close relationship between 3rd lord Saturn and 11th lord Mercury [Rule 3]
D. Cynthia Watros Twins[6]

1. Lagna Lord is Jupiter and its dispositor is Mercury. Jupiter and Mercury are closely conjunct (only 2.5 degrees apart) [Rule 1]
2. Lagna is in the constellation of 11th lord Saturn (multiplicity) [Rule 2]
3. Type of twins: Identical as there 3rd lord Venus and 11th lord Saturn are closely conjunct on the same degree (Taurus 16)! [Rule 3]
E. Bush Twins[7]

1. Lagna lord is Jupiter and its dispositor is Venus. Venus is in parivartana with Jupiter. [Rule 1]
2. 11th lord Venus (denoting multiplicity) occupies Lagna. Also, Lagna is in the constellation of 11th Lord Venus. [Rule 2]
3. Type of Twins: Fraternal as there is no close relationship between 3rd lord Saturn and 11th lord Venus [Rule 3]
F. Hall Twins[8]

1. Lagna Lord is Mercury and its dispositor is Venus. Venus-Mars-Moon are in Srinkhala in Rasi. [Rule 1]
2. Lagna is in the constellation of 11th lord Moon (multiplicity) [Rule 2]
3. Type of twins: Identical as there 3rd lord Mars and11th lord Moon are in Srinkhala [Rule 3]
F. Jolie-Pitt Twins[9]

This one is the latest, well known twin birth. Please observe the following features of the chart:
1. The co-lord of lagna, Ketu, is disposited by Moon. Moon is in Parivartana with Venus. [Rule 1] Also, the other co-lord Mars is in Srinkhala with its constellation dispositor in constellation itself (Ket-Mer-Rah-Mar).
2. The Lagna falls in the constellation of 11th lord Mercury [Rule 2]
3. Type of Twins: Fraternal as there is no close relationship between 3rd lord Saturn and 11th lord Mercury [Rule 3]
From the above examples it is clearly evident that - what are some of the important signatures in a twin’s chart and how to identify whether the twins are identical or fraternal. Not only these, we have verified many other twin charts shared by friendly astrologers and found the above combinations in them. Our sincere thanks to all of them who made this research a success.
Here are the birth details of an identical twin, which also fits the above identified combinations. Interested readers may try and find the combination on their own:
Male, born on October 16, 1980 at 23:30 hrs, in Quartier Militaire, Mauritius.
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identical_twins#Identical_twins
[2] Srinkala: Parivartnana of more than two planets in a closed loop
[3] http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20171851,00.html
[4] http://www.eyewitnessnewstv.com/Global/story.asp?S=7961511&nav=F2DOdu3B
[5] http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20159254,00.html
[6] http://multiples.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ/Ya&sdn=multiples&cdn=parenting&tm=23&gps=146_225_1123_672&f=11&su=p284.8.150.ip_&tt=14&bt=0&bts=0&zu=http%3A//pregnancyandbaby.com/inside/look/31.htm
[7] http://www.astrotheme.fr/en/portraits/q37dEgquP2Hs.htm
[8] http://www.astrotheme.fr/en/portraits/3k2PdQmuENKa.htm
[9] http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/b146288_angelinas_doctor_calls_brad_my.html
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