Some Basics of Astrology Revisited - I
After I started learning Astrology, I came across many assumptions like twelve signs and what they represent in our lives and their classification, nine planets, their properties and how they affect our lives etc. But, there was no real reference to explain why 12 houses represent what they represent and why these planets affect us the way they affect us. The general belief is that this is the knowledge handed over to us by our sages and we follow them. And, this knowledge was handed over to our sages by none other than Brahma himself. All that is fine. But, my problem was that I could not find the basis for all these assumptions on the physical plane. As these planets affect us on the physical plane, there should be some way to explain their properties on the physical plane. Because, everything that exists in this universe – stars, planets, us, all objects… are all energy forms and energy forms constantly interact with each other in this universe through radiation. Each and every object in this universe emits radiation. There should be a logical method to explain the effect of planets on us. Only, we don’t know it very well today. It is a humungous task to find plausible explanation of each and every assumption that we make in Astrology. It could consume the time of many over many births to find all answers. Nevertheless, I wanted to make a start and see what is that I can discover during my lifetime.
In Astrology, we classify planets into various categories such as Satvik, Rajasik and Tamasik based on tri-gunas. We also classify them into natural benefics and natural malefics. In addition, we also have for any given planet some planets are considered friends and some other planets considered as enemies. We have many mythological stories from ancient times to help us remember their gunas, friendships etc. in an easy manner. I applaud our ancestors for developing such a wonderful system for helping everyone, especially astrologers to easily recall a story and then attribute certain properties to planets. These are juicy stories that stay in memory and hence easy to recall. But, what is the real basis behind such classification? This question always haunted me from the very beginning of my astrological journey. If you ask any astrologer why Jupiter is classified as satvik, he would easily quote references from mythology. He would say that Jupiter is none other than Brishaspathi, the Guru of Gods – a satvik person and hence Jupiter is considered a satvik planet. But, what I wanted to know was, why the planet Jupiter, a physical body, found in our Solar system is capable of inducing satvik thoughts in us?
As per Indian Astrology, Sun, Moon, and Jupiter are classified as Satvik planets, Mercury and Venus as Rajasik planets, Saturn, Mars and Rahu and Ketu are known as tamasik planets. In another classification Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon are classified as natural benefics and Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are classified as natural malefics. I always wondered about the basis of this classification. As I believe that the planets affect us on the physical plane, there should be some physical properties of these planets based on which we could explain the classification as used in Astrology.
I looked at different properties of the planets like what they are made up of, how big they are and how far are they from earth to get a clue on their classification. But, none gave any clue. Finally, I found one correlation to build a bridge between what is assumed in astrology and what we could find on the physical plane. I didn’t know that what I learnt in my primary school would help me out here. It is VIBGYOR! Yes, it is the spectrum of light and the sequential arrangement of different colours in the spectrum that holds the key! First list these colours in the right order and mark the planets associated with these colours against respective colours, you will observe some pattern:
Violet ------------- Saturn
Blue --------------- Venus
Green ------------- Mercury
Yellow ------------ Jupiter
Orange ------------ Sun
Red ---------------- Mars
I would give a pale yellow or off-white colour to Moon and hence place him between Jupiter and Mercury. To make the picture more complete, let us add the invisible radiation also to accommodate both Rahu and Ketu:
Ultraviolet ------- Rahu
Violet/Indigo ---- Saturn
Blue --------------- Venus
Green ------------- Mercury
Off-white --------- Moon
Yellow ------------ Jupiter
Orange ------------ Sun
Red ---------------- Mars
Infra-Red --------- Ketu
Have you started seeing a pattern now? If not, look at the following groups that make it easier:
Ultraviolet ------- Rahu
Violet/Indigo ---- Saturn
Blue --------------- Venus
Green ------------- Mercury
Off-White -------- Moon
Yellow ------------ Jupiter
Orange ------------ Sun
Red ---------------- Mars
Infra-Red --------- Ketu
In Astrology, we classify planets into various categories such as Satvik, Rajasik and Tamasik based on tri-gunas. We also classify them into natural benefics and natural malefics. In addition, we also have for any given planet some planets are considered friends and some other planets considered as enemies. We have many mythological stories from ancient times to help us remember their gunas, friendships etc. in an easy manner. I applaud our ancestors for developing such a wonderful system for helping everyone, especially astrologers to easily recall a story and then attribute certain properties to planets. These are juicy stories that stay in memory and hence easy to recall. But, what is the real basis behind such classification? This question always haunted me from the very beginning of my astrological journey. If you ask any astrologer why Jupiter is classified as satvik, he would easily quote references from mythology. He would say that Jupiter is none other than Brishaspathi, the Guru of Gods – a satvik person and hence Jupiter is considered a satvik planet. But, what I wanted to know was, why the planet Jupiter, a physical body, found in our Solar system is capable of inducing satvik thoughts in us?
As per Indian Astrology, Sun, Moon, and Jupiter are classified as Satvik planets, Mercury and Venus as Rajasik planets, Saturn, Mars and Rahu and Ketu are known as tamasik planets. In another classification Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon are classified as natural benefics and Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are classified as natural malefics. I always wondered about the basis of this classification. As I believe that the planets affect us on the physical plane, there should be some physical properties of these planets based on which we could explain the classification as used in Astrology.
I looked at different properties of the planets like what they are made up of, how big they are and how far are they from earth to get a clue on their classification. But, none gave any clue. Finally, I found one correlation to build a bridge between what is assumed in astrology and what we could find on the physical plane. I didn’t know that what I learnt in my primary school would help me out here. It is VIBGYOR! Yes, it is the spectrum of light and the sequential arrangement of different colours in the spectrum that holds the key! First list these colours in the right order and mark the planets associated with these colours against respective colours, you will observe some pattern:
Violet ------------- Saturn
Blue --------------- Venus
Green ------------- Mercury
Yellow ------------ Jupiter
Orange ------------ Sun
Red ---------------- Mars
I would give a pale yellow or off-white colour to Moon and hence place him between Jupiter and Mercury. To make the picture more complete, let us add the invisible radiation also to accommodate both Rahu and Ketu:
Ultraviolet ------- Rahu
Violet/Indigo ---- Saturn
Blue --------------- Venus
Green ------------- Mercury
Off-white --------- Moon
Yellow ------------ Jupiter
Orange ------------ Sun
Red ---------------- Mars
Infra-Red --------- Ketu
Have you started seeing a pattern now? If not, look at the following groups that make it easier:
Ultraviolet ------- Rahu
Violet/Indigo ---- Saturn
Blue --------------- Venus
Green ------------- Mercury
Off-White -------- Moon
Yellow ------------ Jupiter
Orange ------------ Sun
Red ---------------- Mars
Infra-Red --------- Ketu
Notice that the planets in the top group are friends to each other and the planets in the bottom group are friends to each other as assumed in Astrology! Not only this, we can also see another set of classification, keeping the planets in the same VIBGYOR sequence:
Ultraviolet ------- Rahu
Violet/Indigo ---- Saturn
Blue --------------- Venus
Green ------------- Mercury
Off-White -------- Moon
Yellow ------------ Jupiter
Orange ------------ Sun
Red ---------------- Mars
Infra-Red --------- Ketu
The top and bottom group consists of natural malefics and the middle group consists of natural benefics!
That is not all, there appears to be another set of classification even while keeping the same VIBGYOR sequence:
Ultraviolet ------- Rahu
Violet/Indigo ---- Saturn
Blue --------------- Venus
Green ------------- Mercury
Off-White -------- Moon
Yellow ------------ Jupiter
Orange ------------ Sun
Red ---------------- Mars
Infra-Red --------- Ketu
We have four groups of planets here, the top and bottom being Tamasik, second being Rajasik and the third being Satvik.
It is clear that such a planet classification has some meaning on the physical plane also. Let us see more closely what the arrangement of VIBGYOR represent. It would not be wrong to assume that the radiation of each of the planet is very similar in wavelengths of the colours they represent in Astrolgy. Look at the following picture [1]:
Ultraviolet ------- Rahu
Violet/Indigo ---- Saturn
Blue --------------- Venus
Green ------------- Mercury
Off-White -------- Moon
Yellow ------------ Jupiter
Orange ------------ Sun
Red ---------------- Mars
Infra-Red --------- Ketu
The top and bottom group consists of natural malefics and the middle group consists of natural benefics!
That is not all, there appears to be another set of classification even while keeping the same VIBGYOR sequence:
Ultraviolet ------- Rahu
Violet/Indigo ---- Saturn
Blue --------------- Venus
Green ------------- Mercury
Off-White -------- Moon
Yellow ------------ Jupiter
Orange ------------ Sun
Red ---------------- Mars
Infra-Red --------- Ketu
We have four groups of planets here, the top and bottom being Tamasik, second being Rajasik and the third being Satvik.
It is clear that such a planet classification has some meaning on the physical plane also. Let us see more closely what the arrangement of VIBGYOR represent. It would not be wrong to assume that the radiation of each of the planet is very similar in wavelengths of the colours they represent in Astrolgy. Look at the following picture [1]:

1. The electromagnetic radiation of all physical planets in the solar system is mostly in the visible spectrum range (between 400 to 700 nanometers - nm)
2. Rahu (ultraviolet, 10 to 400 nm) and Ketu (infrared, between 700 nm to 1mm) radiations are beyond the visible range.
3. Within the range between Rahu and Ketu, planets emitting in higher wavelengths (above 540 nm) seem to be friendly to each other and planets emitting in lower wavelengths (below 540 nm) seem to be friendly to each other.
4. Planets emitting radiation in higher wavelengths and lower wavelengths seem to be not in harmony with each other.
5. The radiation that is considered as benefic to us is small range of wavelengths between 440 to 580 nm.
6. In general, the radiation wavelengths of Tamasik planets will be either lower than 440 nm or higher than 620 nm.
7. In general, the radiation wavelengths of Rajasik planets would be in the range of 440 to 540 nm.
8. In general, the radiation wavelengths of Satvik planets would be between 540 to 620 nm.
It is now evident that the wavelength of the radiation of a planet determines its basic characteristic and the nature of influence on us. Probably, we could generalize saying that any radition from any object in the specified range (as discussed above) would have similar effect on us.
© Krishnamurthy Seetharama
Dear Shri Krishna
This is a brilliant piece of analysis using the Physical Science to undestand the nature & propesities of the planets. I am sure you will be ale to analyse their propensities too in different combinations/environments.
My Best Wishes
Krishna Chandra Dwivedi
Dear Mr. K C Dwivedi
Thanks for your encouragment. I hope to continue my research further and see what all we can explain using Pysical Science.
- Krishna
Very Interseting post !
Keep it up.
Can u explain the logic behind the order and years alloted in Vimshotri Dasa ?
Good luck
Rajeev K Khattar
098 99 00 84 89 Delhi
Dear Mr. Khattar,
Thanks for your kind words on my work. Though I don't know the answer to your question today, that is definitely one of the areas I would take up in the future. God willing, I will find the answer.
Good ...a milestone forward !
Based on your analysis,
I also conclude my thoughts that the stones of different colors should emit rays of different wavelength , hence giving benefic or malefic influence. Reciting prayers of high or low frequency words also gives influence and balance our chart effects. My suggestion is to meditate and strethen our mind (sort of waves in various wave length changes time to time based on effects of planets infuluence at that time which might be maha dasa and sub period and all) which will cure everything in our life cycle.
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Thanks for the feedback sir!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Thanks for your feedback!
I find your explanation for planetary relationship very interesting, although some things are left out e. g.
Not all relations are mutual:
Moon is enemy of Mercury but Mercury is friend of the Moon
Venus is enemy of Jupiter but Jupiter is neutral to Venus.
Nice Blog!
Dear Bruno ji,
Your statements are correct. To understand those statements, we have to extend the subject beyond the scope of the current write up on this blog. Let us take the example of Mercury being a friend of Moon and Moon is the enemy of Mercury. As Moon is placed closest to earth, the intensity of its rays will be high on earth and also no planet can block its rays to earth. Hence, Moon does not have any enemies. However, Moon is capable of blocking the rays of Mercury reaching earth. Hence, Moon is considered as the enemy of Mercury.
wow....what a blog..! its very scientific....and ur last comment is too good and logical...plz sir keep your work going....u r doing a great job....
Dear Prabhat,
Thanks for your feedback...
Very informative article. I used to also wonder about the stories. I think all stories in our mythology have some science basics to them.
Dear GajaN,
Of course, our mythologies have the basis of science. They stories were created such that to make the science easy to understand for the common man without having to worry about the technical terms.
Thanks for your feedback.
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