Small Problem, Big Headache! (Dandruff)
In our life, many a times, we encounter problems which are not of life and death in nature or serious enough to go to a Doctor or even an Astrologer in a hurry. But, they keep on nagging and even become a source of embarrassment at times. Especially, Astrologers who face serious questions of life everyday wouldn’t be bothered by their clients for such ‘silly matters’. I picked up one such issue for study as this nagging problem was troubling my daughter.
Ever wondered what common problem is troubling/troubled these celebrities – Bill Gates, Brad Pitt, Gordon Brown and John Lennon? No, it is nothing to do with Fame, Following or Fortune. It is Dandruff! Yes, all these men suffer(ed) from the same problem. It is not difficult to find someone with dandruff problem even in our own home or in the neighbourhood. Yet, no one has formulated any Astrological Combination for dandruff problem. As I said earlier, probably no one thought this subject is important enough to take up for study. Anyway, people who really suffer from this problem might disagree. According to Proctor and Gamble, it affects more than 50% of the population of the USA! The number could be similar in India as well.
Before looking at the astrological reasons, let us first understand what dandruff is and how it is caused. Many sites over the internet give lot of information on this subject [1], [2]. Dandruff is an itchy, annoying and persistent skin disorder of the scalp. Dandruff can cause either an overly dry scalp with itchy white flakes that may be waxy/greasy or dandruff can manifest as an oily greasy scalp with scales. It is also believed that dandruff is caused by a tiny fungus, the yeast Pityrosporum ovale, on the scalp. Although the experts are certain that the yeast is involved, they can not decide which comes first: does a reaction to the yeast actually cause the increased turnover and flaking; or does the flaky skin simply provide an ideal environment for the yeast to thrive? It seems very likely that the former is the case, so getting rid of the yeast should improve the dandruff. It has been also observed that the problem is more severe in winter than in summer. One reason for this could be that sunlight inhibits the growth of the Pityrosporum ovale yeast. Other known causes that cause dandruff are deficiency of B6 vitamin and lack of fatty acids. Food supplements that are rich in these will help controlling dandruff.
Now let us map the astrological factors for the above scientific explanation. Dandruff is predominantly a problem of the scalp. Hence, we can see that lagna representing head region and connected to it an afflicted Mercury that represents skin. The deficiency of fatty acids and B6 vitamin could indicate a weak Jupiter. Note that B6 is also found in lever (represented by Jupiter) which helps in maintaining the blood glucose level. An aspect of Sun on Lagna or Sun in Lagna might help prevent or reduce the intensity of the problem even if other conditions favourable for dandruff exist. Any benefic aspects on Lagna/Mercury/Jupiter will help reducing the intensity. The problem surfaces during appropriate dasha-bhuktis that influence Lagna or Mercury or Jupiter. I started looking at the charts of people suffering from dandruff for these parameters. Not surprisingly, I was on the dot!
As the sign Aries represents head of Kalapurusha, the combination could be seen from Aries also in some charts instead of Lagna.
These combinations can be seen in the charts of people who have substantial dandruff problem. Here are a few examples:
1. Gordon Brown
1. Gordon Brown
a. Connectivity between Lagna and Mercury: Lagna is in the nakshatra of Mercury (Revati)
b. Affliction to Mercury: Mercury sufferes from Kendradhipatya dosha. Parivartana with 12L and retro Saturn.
c. Weakness of Jupiter: Jupiter is in a dusthana (12H) and conjunct three malefics
d. Sun’s protection to Lagna: None
b. Affliction to Mercury: Mercury sufferes from Kendradhipatya dosha. Parivartana with 12L and retro Saturn.
c. Weakness of Jupiter: Jupiter is in a dusthana (12H) and conjunct three malefics
d. Sun’s protection to Lagna: None
2. John Lennon
a. Connectivity between Lagna and Mercury: Lagna is aspected by Mercury
b. Affliction to Mercury: Mercury is a dusthana lord (6L). Mercury is aspected by two retrograde planets one of which is 12L
c. Weakness of Jupiter: Jupiter is retrograde, also 12L
d. Sun’s protection to Lagna: None
b. Affliction to Mercury: Mercury is a dusthana lord (6L). Mercury is aspected by two retrograde planets one of which is 12L
c. Weakness of Jupiter: Jupiter is retrograde, also 12L
d. Sun’s protection to Lagna: None
3. Bill Gates
a. Connectivity between Lagna and Mercury: Mercury is Lagna Lord
b. Affliction to Mercury: Afflicted by 6L Mars. As Mercury is exalted, the problem could be in manageable proportion.
c. Weakness of Jupiter: Kendradhipatya dosha and disposited by debilitated Sun as well. Placed in maranakaraka sthana
b. Affliction to Mercury: Afflicted by 6L Mars. As Mercury is exalted, the problem could be in manageable proportion.
c. Weakness of Jupiter: Kendradhipatya dosha and disposited by debilitated Sun as well. Placed in maranakaraka sthana
d. Sun’s protection to Lagna: None
4. Steven Spielberg (No dandruff problem)
a. Connectivity between Lagna and Mercury: Mercury is Lagna Lord
b. Affliction to Mercury: Mercury in 6H, afflicted by 6L Ketu
c. Weakness of Jupiter: Kendradhipatya dosha, disposited and conjunct 12L Venus
d. Sun’s protection to Lagna: Sun aspects Lagna
Please note that, though the dandruff combination exists in toto, Sun’s aspect on lagna might have prevented it or reduced the problem to minimal levels.
b. Affliction to Mercury: Mercury in 6H, afflicted by 6L Ketu
c. Weakness of Jupiter: Kendradhipatya dosha, disposited and conjunct 12L Venus
d. Sun’s protection to Lagna: Sun aspects Lagna
Please note that, though the dandruff combination exists in toto, Sun’s aspect on lagna might have prevented it or reduced the problem to minimal levels.
Other celebrities who have the above said combination for dandruff and have been reported to be suffering from dandruff problem are:
1. Cher
2. Johny Depp
3. Elvis Presley
4. Tyra Banks
5. O J Simpson
6. Brad Pitt
7. Stevie Nicks
8. Jerry Lewis
9. Ringo Starr
I would like to thank the website content providers giving lot of information on dandruff [1], [2]. I would like to specially thank a person with a web name ‘pinkfreud’ who has beautifully compiled a list of celebrities having dandruff [3]. It saved me a lot of time and energy.
© Krishnamurthy Seetharama
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