Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Michael Douglas

Michael Douglas
and his
Throat Cancer

Michael Douglas is in the news of late for a sad reason. He is suffering from cancer, particularly from throat cancer. He had an illustrious career in Hollywood for the past 40 odd years and has own the Oscar award both as an actor and as a producer. He has also won many more awards for his acting abilities. He is happily married with a beautiful and understanding wife Catherine Zeta-Jones who is also a big star in Hollywood. He has three children one from the first marriage and two from the second.  When people were thinking that he has everything that a man should have, he has stepped into this bad phase of throat cancer. It seems to have resulted from his smoking habit as doctors say that 9 of 10 throat caner patients are either smokers or ex-smokers. People who have quit smoking even 20 years ago also seem to have the risk of getting throat cancer.

Since his birth data is rated ‘AA’ by Rodden, it would be interesting to read his horoscope for the current problem and see how it would turn around in the future.

For cancer, one should look at the combined involvement of Rahu and Jupiter. Jupiter promotes growth and Rahu makes it malign resulting in cancer. Jupiter is a functional malefic in the chart as it is the lord of the third and the sixth, also placed in the 11th. Placement in the 11th may be good for gains but not from the health angle. Rahu has just moved out of Leo into Cancer and Jupiter is in Leo. This means that Rahu has some trailing effect on Jupiter. Even otherwise, Rahu occupies the nakshatra of Jupiter who is also the lord of the 6th. Hence, Rahu becomes potent to cause health problems and specially caner kind of problems. One should look for the house both Rahu and Jupiter have their influence. It may not be apparent from the Rasi chart. However, Bhava chart shown below clearly shows that the combined effect of Rahu and Jupiter falls on third Bhava.

Here, third Bhava is in Rahu-Ketu axis and is aspected by both Saturn and Jupiter. Though Saturn is a Yogakraka for this chart, unfortunately, Saturn is not only conjunct Rahu it is also in the nakshatra of Rahu. Hence, it will only assist Rahu to cause its malefic influence. It may be noticed that the combined effect of Jupiter and Rahu can be seen on the 5th house also. The third house represents throat and the fifth house represents stomach. But, his smoking habit has added to the problem in affecting the throat. Added to this, there is also the malefic influence of Mandi on the third house/throat. And, to top it all, maraka Mars aspects the third house from the 12th house. Overall, it can be clearly seen that third house/throat is under severe malefic influence from Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mandi and Mars.

His vimshottari dasha sequence indicates that he is currently undergoing Jup-Sat-Ven. It appears that the cancer might have got triggered during the early times of Jup-Sat period that started during May 2009.

Another important aspect of his life is that both his wives are much younger in age to him. Even his first wife, Diandra Luker, is 14 years younger to him, who divorced him in the year 2000. And he married Catherine in the same year who is 25 years younger to him. This author has written another article titled “When big age difference with partner does not matter”. It is interesting to see that this native’s chart has the characteristics defined in this article. In such cases, it has been stated that there will be good influence of Moon, Rahu and Saturn on UL/UL Lord. In this case, Moon is the UL lord, Rahu occupies UL (Rasi) and Saturn aspects UL lord Moon. Rahu also aspects UL lord Moon. His first marriage was in Moon-Sat period and the second was in Rahu-Ven period showing clear involvement of Saturn, Moon and Rahu in the events.

Coming back to his cancer, what does the future foretell? He is currently undergoing a critical period of Jup-Sat. Jupiter is the 6th lord of diseases and also sits in the 64th Navamsha. And, Saturn is the lord of the 22nd drekkana. No doubt this is the most dangerous period in his life. This period lasts until November 2011. The next period of Jup-Mer is also critical as three malefics Rahu, Saturn and Mars are disposited by Mercury. Hence, going forward the times are difficult for Michael. Let us pray that God gives him the strength to cope up with the troubled times.

© Krishnamurthy Seetharama

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