Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Twins born in two different countries!

This news item reported by BBC attracted my attention as this is unheard of before and that I had done some research on twin's charts a few years back. The link to the actual story is given below:


The story goes like this:

A mother from Northumberland gave birth to twins less than two hours apart in two different countries.
Donna Keenan, 28, gave birth to Dylan Joseph at about 22:00 BST on 1 July in the living room of her house in Wooler.
After being taken 40 miles by ambulance to Borders General Hospital in Melrose, Scotland, Hannah Rose was born at 23:39 BST.
Miss Keenan and boyfriend, Joe Fox, 24, were watching the final of Euro 2012 when she went into labour.

I was curious to check out if the three rules that I formulated for twin charts would be applicable in this special case of twin births. Those who are interested in my write-up can take a look at Unique features of a twin's chart

Let us first see the Rasi chart for the baby boy Dylan born in the living room of their house in Wooler:

This chart has Sagittarius lagna with Lagna Lord Jupiter is placed in Taurus. Verification of the three rules for this chart:

[Rule 1] One of the conditions specified for this rule is that the Lagna Lord should be closely conjunct its dispositor. Here, one can see that Lagna Lord Jupiter is closely conjunct its dispositor Venus (only about three degrees apart). 

[Rule 2] In this rule, it is said that Lagna or Lagna lord should be influenced either by Jupiter or by 11th lord. In this case, the lagna itself is in the house of Jupiter and 11th lord Venus is closely conjunct with Lagna Lord Jupiter. Hence, even the second rule is also satisfied.

[Rule 3] as there is no Parivartana between 11th lord Venus and 3rd lord Saturn/Rahu, it can be concluded that they are not identical twins. Since one is a boy and the other is a girl, it is evident that the twins or fraternal and not identical.

Thus all the three rules identified for a twin's chart is satisfied in the case of the elder twin Dylan. Now, let us take a look at the chart of the younger twin Hannah born in Melrose in Scotland:

This chart has Aquarius lagna with Lagna Lord Saturn is placed in Virgo. Verification of the three rules for this chart:

[Rule 1] One of the conditions specified for this rule is that the Lagna Lord or its dispositor should be either in Parivartana or Srinkhala. Here, one can see that Lagna Lord's dispositor Mercury is in Srinkhala with Moon and Mars. Hence, the first rule is satisfied.

[Rule 2] In this rule, it is said that Lagna or Lagna lord should be influenced either by Jupiter or by 11th lord. In this case,  Jupiter  who is both the karaka for Multiplicity and the lord of 11th is aspecting lagna lord Saturn. Hence, the second rule is also satisfied.

It may be noted that both the above rules are satisfied even if one considers Rahu as the lord of Lagna!

[Rule 3] as there is no Parivartana between 11th lord Jupiter and 3rd lord Mars, it can be concluded that they are not identical twins. Since one is a boy and the other is a girl, it is evident that the twins or fraternal and not identical.

Thus all the three rules identified for a twin's chart is satisfied in the case of the younger twin Hannah also!

As one can see, the above two charts are unique and there is no doubt that these twins are going to live very different lives as they grow up. As we know, each chart is unique. And yet, it is possible to see some common factors/patterns among the charts of people who have something common between them!
© Krishnamurthy Seetharama


Anonymous said...

Can you email me at calumstrachan1989@gmail.com I would like to talk about something that just appeared to me when finding this page from looking in to anyone with work on sun sign,,, different countries sun passes father was an identical twin etc. just want to be in touch and then we can talk

AstroKrishna said...


Couldn't understand what you wanted to say. What do you mean by "...different countries sun passes father..."?