- An astro-analysis
सुतेशे व्ययभावस्ये जातः पुत्रसुखॊज्झितः ।
दत्तपुत्रयुतॊ वासौ क्रितपुत्रान्वितॊ तवा ॥
The translation of the above shloka is as follows:
If the 5th lord is in the 12th bhava, the native will be bereft of happiness from his own sons. He will have an adopted or purchased son.
In general, in olden times, people adopted children when they didn’t have their own progeny or particularly, when they didn’t have a son (specially in India). However, in today’s world, there are innumerable examples of people adopting children even when they have their own biological children. And, there are people who adopt their step-children, their grand children, and the ones totally unconnected. There are also people who take care of foster children and some act as god parents to children to provide emotional support. Hence, there is a huge opportunity to understand the above shloka and its applicability in a specific context. Also, though the sholka specifically talks about adopting a son, in today’s context we could assume that it would apply to adopting a daughter as well.
For the purposes of research, it was decided to pick a small segment from the above multiple possibilities. The sample population selected was – The natives who have adopted children who are totally strangers to them, irrespective of whether the native had own biological children or not.
When this segment was analyzed for the applicability of the above shloka, it was found that placement of certain planets in the saptamsha (D7) chart was the key to the above combination described by the sage. Saptamsha chart is the one to refer to in depth for the study of native’s children.
Also, one more factor became clear that it may not be wrong to count houses in a divisional chart. Everyone agrees to the fact that 64th Navamsha of Rasi chart should be seen from the 4th house of the Navamsha chart (D9). Thus, counting houses in a divisional chart only simplifies locating a particular amsha in the Rasi chart. It should be remembered that there is a well defined connection between the divisions in the Rasi chart to the houses in the divisional chart. In this particular case, when we talk about say 12H in the Saptamsha chart, it means that we are looking at an amsha sign in the Rasi chart, which is one sign behind the amsha sign occupied by the Lagna in the Rasi chart, when each Rasi is devided into seven amshas. It may be please noted that, this logic applies to cyclic vargas only (eg. D9, D12, etc.) and does not apply to non-cyclic vargas (eg. std. D2, std. D3). Also, it is debatable that whether a divisional chart should be studied just like a Rasi chart in all respects.
Coming back to the observations on the above shloka, it was found that, following were the different combinations that could be spotted in the charts of natives who have adopted children who were totally strangers to them:
- a) As mentioned in the shloka, 5th lord placed in the 12 H. This is applicable to both Rasi and the Saptamsha chart (D7)
- b) 5th lord of Rasi found in 12H of Saptamsha
- c) As Saptamsha lord can be considered equivalent to 5th lord of Rasi, one could find the Saptamsha lord in 12H of either Rasi or Saptamsha
- d) Since Jupiter is the karaka for progeny, Jupiter was placed in 12H of Saptamsha
In majority of the cases, the 5th lord of Rasi was found in the 12th bhava in the Saptamsha chart. In some cases, the combination was seen from lagna, and in some other cases it was seen from Moon. However, if one takes Lagna as the reference point in Rasi, the same should be taken as reference point in D7, and not Moon. The same applies when Moon is taken as the reference point in Rasi.
One of the above four placements was seen in more than 90% of the charts verified. The combination gains weight by the fact that the planets involved in the vimshottari dasha on the date of adoption were involved in the combination described above.
Most of the data about the natives covered in the examples below is taken from Astrodatabank[1].
1. Angelina Jolie
There is no need to introduce this native as she is a famous Hollywood actress. It is a well known fact that Angelina Jolie adopted children from other cultures even before she had her own biological children. And, it may also be noted that she has two biological daughters and a biological son.
Combination: Fifth lord from Lagna in Rasi is Mars. It may be noted that Mars is located in the 12H from Lagna in D7.
She first adopted a 7.5 year old Cambodian boy on (March 11, 2002), during Ven-Mar-Sat period. It may be noted that Venus occupies D7 lagna and Mars is in the 12H in D7, who is the 5L in Rasi. Saturn is the lagna lord as well as 12th lord in D7.
The actress adopted a second child on July 6, 2005, a five-month-old orphan from Ethiopia. This date corresponds to Ven-Rah-Mon. It may be noted that Venus occupies D7 lagna, Rahu is in 5H in Rasi and Moon is in 12H in D7.
On March 15, 2007 (Ven-Jup-Ven) in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, the actress signed papers allowing her to adopt a three-and-a-half-year-old son from Vietnam named Pax Thien. Venus is placed in D7 lagna and Jupiter is the karaka for progeny also placed in D7 lagna.
On July 12, 2008 she gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. This period corresponds to Ven-Jup-Rah. It may be noted that 5L Mars is in a dual sign conjunct karaka of multiplicity Jupiter. Rahu occupies putra bhava and Venus occupies D7 lagna. Venus is also aspected by Putrakaraka Jupiter. All these three planets are in trines with each other.
In June 2000 (Ven-Mon-Rah), she married Billy Bob Thornton, a four times divorced and 19 years older man. It may be noted that her UL lord Mars is influenced by Moon, Saturn and Rahu. For details on how to read this combination, one may look at article titled “When big age difference with partner does not matter”.
As of now she is married three times. Her multiple marriages are indicated by the fact that 7L Saturn occupies a dual sign and the lord of multiplicity (11L) Venus is in the nakshatra of 7L Saturn. Venus occupies Navamsha lagna and is a samasaptaka with Jupiter (karaka of multiplicity) in D9.
2. Loni Anderson
She is a well known TV and movie personality. She adopted a son after about four months into her third marriage with Burt Reynolds. She also has a biological daughter from her first marriage which lasted only for three months. It may be noted that she does not have a biological son.
This chart should be read from Rasi (Moon sign) instead of from Lagna.
Combination: The entire combination is restricted to D7 in this case. From Moon, 5th house co-lord is Rahu and Rahu is placed in 12H from Moon.
She adopted sometime during September 1988 corresponding to vimshottari period of Mer-Mon-Rah. As Moon is the reference point, Mercury is with Moon in D7 and Rahu is in the 12H.
She has a few common factors with Angelina Jolie discussed above:
She has married four times until now. From Moon, 7th lord is Jupiter who is placed in dual sign and disposited by 11L Mercury (lord of Multiplicity). Jupiter is placed in 11H from Moon in Navamsha.
Her third marriage was with Burt Reynolds who was 9 years elder to her. It may be noted that UL lord Venus is influenced by Moon, Saturn and Rahu. For details on how to read this combination, one may look at article titled “When big age difference with partner does not matter”.
In addition, she suffered from sexual addiction. It can be seen from the fact that 8L (of sexuality) Saturn is placed with Venus (karaka for Sex), Moon (mind) and Rahu (karaka for breaking limits). She developed this addiction in 1981 with Gary Sandy during Mer-Mer period. It may be noted that Mercury disposits all the above stated planets.
3. Paul Farmer
American physician and humanitarian, who is having a profound effect on world health. The subject of Tracy Kidder’s 2004 book, "Mountains Beyond Mountains," Farmer is a physician and anthropologist who spends his time between Harvard University where he teaches and rural hospitals in impoverished nations, first in Haiti and since 2004 in Rwanda.
It may be noted that he has one biological daughter and one biological son. He adopted a Rwandan boy abandoned at birth a few months before his son was born.

Combination: The entire combination is restricted to Rasi chart in this case. From Lagna, 5th house co-lord is Rahu and Rahu is placed in 12H.
He adopted the Rwandan boy towards the end of year 2007 which corresponds to the Vimshottari period of Mar-Sat-Rah. Mars is placed in lagna in Rasi chart and is the lagna lord in Saptamsha. Saturn is the co-lord of 5H in Rasi and Rahu is the 5H co-lord placed in 12H.
He has written three books based on his own work on Anthropology. It may be noted that karaka for writing Mercury is conjunct lord of 3H (writing). Also, yogakaraka Saturn (karaka for Anthropology?) is placed in the third house of writing.
4. Polly Bergen
She is an American singer, actress, TV performer and business woman, always an overachiever. She went to 45 schools in 28 states before she was 18. At 15, she was already singing in Las Vegas, claiming to be 22 and passing her mom off as her sister. In 1948, she signed a movie contract at $600 a week.
Combination: Kararka for children, Jupiter is placed in 12H from D7 lagna in D7.
First child was adopted during 1957 during Jup-Ven period. Venus is placed in D7 lagna and Jupiter is placed in 12H.
The second child was adopted during Jup-Mon. Moon is in samasaptaka with D7 lagna and Jupiter is placed in 12H.
5. A friend
This person is having a biological daughter. Just to give good company to his daughter he has adopted a girl child.

Combination: The combination is seen in both Rasi and D7 in this case. It is a Cancer lagna in both Rasi and D7. 5th co-lord Mars is placed in 12H in Rasi and 5th co-lord Ketu is placed in 12H in D7.
6. Sheena Easton
American singer and entertainer who won a contest to be featured on a BBC-TV show about the making of a pop star. She achieved commercial success in both the U.K. and U.S. after that. As a single mom, she adopted a child, Jake, in November 1994 and has since adopted a daughter (in 1996). She does not have her own children.

Combination: In this case the reference is Moon lagna. Moon lagna lord Jupiter in D7 is placed in 12H from Moon in Rasi. Jupiter being the karaka for progeny is an additional combination placed in 12H from the reference sign.
She adopted son during November 1994 in Mar-Rah period. Mars is samasaptaka with Chandra lagna in both Rasi and D7. Rahu is the 12th house co-lord in D7.
She adopted a daughter during 1996 in Mar-Sat period. Mars is samasaptaka with Chandra lagna in both Rasi and D7. Saturn is the 12th house co-lord in D7.
The fact that 7L (from Moon) Mercury is placed in its debilitation sign along with Ketu indicates that her marriages were short lived and eventually she is a taking care of her adopted children as a single mother.
It may be seen that the combination that Parashara has given for adopting children is seen in many charts of people who have adopted unconnected children. In majority of the cases, placement of planets in D7 was found to be crucial. Also, there are a very few cases, the combination suggested in the shloka was not seen, for example – James Olmas. Further, it would be interesting to check the charts of people who have adopted step-children or children of close relatives etc., and check whether the combination discussed is also applicable in those cases too.
[1] Astrodatabank: http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Main_Page
© Krishnamurthy Seetharama
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