Saturday, December 22, 2007

When big age difference with the partner does not matter!

It is very interesting to note that many times people develop a relationship with either people much older than they are or with people much younger than they are. This applies to individuals of either sex. Though this kind of relationship is not very common, we do find such relationships in our society. The question is what drives such alliances? In some poor families where the poor parents almost sell their young daughters for material gains in the guise of a relationship. That is purely exploitation. In some other cases it could be exploitation by muscle power. In other cases it is purely by mutual attraction and consent.

I would like to exclude such cases driven by exploitation and focus on relationships developed between two mature individuals with mutual consent for the current scope of study. Most likely, in such cases, the decisions are likely to be emotionally driven than anything else. Obviously, Moon should play an important role here. Also, such people break the norms of the society, go ahead and demonstrate that they are different. Undoubtedly, one could imagine the influence of Rahu in such situations. I also wanted to look for the combinations for love marriage showing up as these relationships are usually developed between them rather than arranged. Another key player would be Saturn. Saturn is the planet that represents aging.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Small Problem, Big Headache! (Dandruff)

In our life, many a times, we encounter problems which are not of life and death in nature or serious enough to go to a Doctor or even an Astrologer in a hurry. But, they keep on nagging and even become a source of embarrassment at times. Especially, Astrologers who face serious questions of life everyday wouldn’t be bothered by their clients for such ‘silly matters’. I picked up one such issue for study as this nagging problem was troubling my daughter.

Ever wondered what common problem is troubling/troubled these celebrities – Bill Gates, Brad Pitt, Gordon Brown and John Lennon? No, it is nothing to do with Fame, Following or Fortune. It is Dandruff! Yes, all these men suffer(ed) from the same problem. It is not difficult to find someone with dandruff problem even in our own home or in the neighbourhood. Yet, no one has formulated any Astrological Combination for dandruff problem. As I said earlier, probably no one thought this subject is important enough to take up for study. Anyway, people who really suffer from this problem might disagree. According to Proctor and Gamble, it affects more than 50% of the population of the USA! The number could be similar in India as well.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Mahatma Gandhi and Bandhana Yoga

Ever since I stumbled up on Bandhana Yoga (ref: Please read my earlier article from July 2007 for the definition of Bandhana Yoga), I always wondered if it possible to explain this Yoga using Mahatma Gandhi’s chart, as all of us know that Mahatma Gandhi was arrested multiple times through out his life. He was not only arrested by British in India, he was also arrested by South African regime in South Africa. Hence, it is very interesting to view Mahatma Gandhi’s Chart from the angle of Bandhana Yoga. Initially, when I looked at this chart, I failed to recognise the yoga formation. Probably, I didn’t look carefully enough and I might have not looked at both Rasi and Bhava charts. I was also thinking that the birth time of Mahatma Gandhi that we have today is not quite reliable (Refer to details given in Astrodatabank). May be because of this reason I did not look at his chart hard enough. After I wrote my article on Bandhana Yoga, I decided to take a closer look at Mahatma Gandhi’s chart. To my surprise, I found more than one combinations of Bandha Yoga in his chart! His Yoga formation is not very strong (not strictly as per classical definition, unlike that of Nelson Mandela or Suu Kyi) and I attribute this reason for his short stints behind the bars. Astrodabank gives 7:11:48 am LMT as the birth time with the following comments to arrive at the correct birth time of Mahatma Gandhi:

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Bandhana Yoga

Bandhana Yoga is an important yoga as it indicates whether an individual would be put behind the bars or held in captivity during his/her lifetime. I have taken the definition of this yoga from Shri B V Raman’s book titled “Three Hundred Important Combinations”. The definition and the explanation go as follows:

Definition: If the lords of Lagna and the 6th join a kendra or a kona with Saturn, Rahu or Ketu, the above yoga is given raise to.

Results: The native will be incarcerated.

Remarks: The cause of imprisonment is not made clear in this yoga. Imprisonment may be due to political or criminal offences. The lords of Lagna and the 6th should occupy a Kendra or Kona in association with Saturn or Rahu or Ketu. If the Lord of Lagna happens to be Saturn, by implication the evil is either lessened or (in some cases) completely neutralized. Benefic aspects lessen the evil.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Astrology and Diabetes


It is possible to identify the diseases a person is having, or susceptible to in the future, using Astrology. Once a person knows that he is susceptible to certain kinds of diseases, he/she could take precautions and preventive measures so as to either prevent the disease from manifesting or to reduce the intensity of a disease if it becomes inevitable. This is an example to show how Astrology can help the human kind to anticipate a problem and take preventive measures to reduce the pain and agony in the future.

Diabetes, though known as “rich man’s disease” in the past, is fast becoming a common man’s disease in our country. This could be due to changing lifestyles irrespective of whether one is rich or poor. Diabetes makes it difficult for people to live their life normally. It is a gateway to many other health complications if not properly contained. Hence, it is in our own interest to be aware if one is susceptible to this disease or not, and what to do to prevent or contain it at a manageable level. The purpose of this paper is to help people to understand what diabetes is in brief and to help them identify astrological symptoms of diabetes in their charts.