Bandhana Yoga
Bandhana Yoga is an important yoga as it indicates whether an individual would be put behind the bars or held in captivity during his/her lifetime. I have taken the definition of this yoga from Shri B V Raman’s book titled “Three Hundred Important Combinations”. The definition and the explanation go as follows:
Definition: If the lords of Lagna and the 6th join a kendra or a kona with Saturn, Rahu or Ketu, the above yoga is given raise to.
Results: The native will be incarcerated.
Remarks: The cause of imprisonment is not made clear in this yoga. Imprisonment may be due to political or criminal offences. The lords of Lagna and the 6th should occupy a Kendra or Kona in association with Saturn or Rahu or Ketu. If the Lord of Lagna happens to be Saturn, by implication the evil is either lessened or (in some cases) completely neutralized. Benefic aspects lessen the evil.
Since the definition does not talk about Rasis in particular and talks about only placement of planets with respect Lagna, I prefer to look for this yoga in the Bhava Chart rather than in the Rasi chart. Of all the different bhava charts, I prefer Sripathi Bhava. It has given consistent results so far for this Yoga.
Also, I have noticed that the manifestation of the yoga happens in different flavors and not necessarily exactly as per the definition. However, the spirit of the definition remains in each of the flavor. Hence, I would like to broaden the definition of this yoga as follows:
Definition: If the lords of Lagna and the 6th join a kendra or a kona with Saturn, Rahu or Ketu, the above yoga is given raise to.
Results: The native will be incarcerated.
Remarks: The cause of imprisonment is not made clear in this yoga. Imprisonment may be due to political or criminal offences. The lords of Lagna and the 6th should occupy a Kendra or Kona in association with Saturn or Rahu or Ketu. If the Lord of Lagna happens to be Saturn, by implication the evil is either lessened or (in some cases) completely neutralized. Benefic aspects lessen the evil.
Since the definition does not talk about Rasis in particular and talks about only placement of planets with respect Lagna, I prefer to look for this yoga in the Bhava Chart rather than in the Rasi chart. Of all the different bhava charts, I prefer Sripathi Bhava. It has given consistent results so far for this Yoga.
Also, I have noticed that the manifestation of the yoga happens in different flavors and not necessarily exactly as per the definition. However, the spirit of the definition remains in each of the flavor. Hence, I would like to broaden the definition of this yoga as follows:
The term influence could indicate conjunction, aspect or any other type of influence. And, all three namely langna lord, 6th lord and one of Rahu/Ketu/Saturn need not occupy the same house. The combination can be traced in Rasi/Bhava or Navamsha charts. When the combination is looked at in the Navamsha chart, the lordships are taken from the Bhava Chart.
My research has indicated that the release from arrest/captivity typically happens during the period /sub-period of the dispositor of the 6th lord. When this dispositor also participates in Bandhana Yoga, then the release happens during period/sub-period of dispositor’s dispositor.
I have used Lahiri ayanamsa and True Nodes.
In the following pages, I would like to present some case studies to understand the manifestation of the yoga in different flavors.
Case Study 1: Nelson Mandela
Manifestation: Strictly as per classical definition
Lagna: 0 Dhanu 59
Manifestation: Strictly as per classical definition
Lagna: 0 Dhanu 59
Lagna Lord: Guru
6th lord: Sukra
Looking at the dates of his arrest, we have the following data:
Arrested on Dec. 5, 1956 and released sometime during 1961 (date not known): The date of arrest falls under BUD-GUR-SAN-BUD period. All of them are participating in Bandhana Yoga.
Later, he was again arrested on August 5, 1962 and was in jail until February 11, 1990: The date of arrest falls under KET-SUK-GUR-SUK period. All of them participate in Bandhana Yoga. He was in jail for the rest of Ketu and whole of Sukra period as well. The release happened during the period of Ravi who is Dispositor’s (Budha’s) Dispositor! Ravi happens to be vargottama in this chart.
Case Study 2: Aung San Suu Kyi (Burmese Leader)
(birth time rectified to 13:07 from 13:00)
Manifestation: Strictly as per classical definition
Lagna: 18 Kanya 58
Lagna Lord: Budha
6th lord: Sani
Afflictor: Rahu

Suu Kyi was under house arrest from 20-Jul-1989 to July 1995. The arrest date corresponds to the period SAN-SAN-GUR-RAV
She was again put under house arrest from Sep 2000 to May 2002. The arrest happened during SAN-RAH-RAV period.
Case Study 3: Jeffery Archer (British Politician and Author)
Manifestation: This is a special case as the sambandha of lagna lord and 6th lord happens through nakashtras.
Lagna: 6 Kark 53
Manifestation: This is a special case as the sambandha of lagna lord and 6th lord happens through nakashtras.
Lagna: 6 Kark 53
Lagna Lord: Chandra
6th lord: Guru
Afflictor: Ketu

Planets participating in Bandhana Yoga are also determined using nakshatras:
Sukra and Kuja are in the nakshatra of Chandra who is in the nakshatra of 6th lord Guru. Sani and Ravi are in the nakshatra of Ketu. There are no other planets in the nakshtra of Guru.
Jeffery Archer was sentenced to 4 years on July 19, 2001. This date falls during the period of SUK-SAN-KUJ-CHA. He was released on license after serving half the period only on July 21, 2003. This date falls during the period of SUK-BUD-RAV-GUR. Interestingly the 6th lord Guru and Ketu are in the nakshatra of Budha (the dispositor coming into play in the release?).
Case Study 4: Scott Peterson
Manifestation: The variation here is that Bandhana Yoga has manifested with reference to Chandra lagna and the malefic combination occurs in Navamsha.
Manifestation: The variation here is that Bandhana Yoga has manifested with reference to Chandra lagna and the malefic combination occurs in Navamsha.
Lagna: 9 Vrisc 29
Chandra Lagna Lord: Sukra
6th lord: Sukra
Afflictor: Sani

Planets participating in Bandhana Yoga are:
Sukra: Chandra Lagna and 6th lord
Sani: Afflictor
Rahu: Aspected by Sani
Guru: Aspected by Sani
Ketu: Conjunct Sani
Scott Peterson was arrested for the murder of his wife on April, 18, 2003. This date falls under the period RAH-SUK-RAH-RAH. Both Rahu and Sukra participate in the Bandhana Yoga.

The Chandra lagna lord and 6th lord (from Rasi) is in a Kendra from both Lagna and Chandra conjunct Rahu.
Case Study 5: John Allen Muhammad (Terror Suspect)
Manifestation: Reference is Chandra Lagna, and affliction of Saturn is by aspect. The combination is better visible in Rasi chart.
Lagna: 5 Dhanu 12
Chandra Lagna Lord: Budha
6th lord: Kuja
Afflictor: Sani

Muhammad was arrested on October 2, 2002. This date falls during the vishottari dasha:
Involvement of Rahu can be explained as 6th lord (from Chandra) Kuja is in Rahu’s constellation.
Case Study 6: Jimmy Hoffa (American Labor Leader)
Manifestation: The speciality lies here in the mode of affliction.
Lagna: 4 Kumb 24
Lagna Lord: Sani
6th Lord: Chandra
Afflictor: Rahu

There are some interesting aspects in this case:
In 1964, Hoffa was convicted of misappropriating $1.7 million in union pension funds but managed to stay out of prison until 1967 (SAN-SAN). He escaped prison for about three years until Sani MD arrived!
Though he was sentenced for 13 years, then President Nixon pardoned him and Hoffa was released during 1971 (SAN-BUD). Note that dispositor Sukra is in the nakshatra of Budha.
He went missing on July 30, 1975 (SAN-SUK-SAN-SUK). People last saw him getting into a car with some more people at a restaurant parking. Authorities believe that he was abducted and never came out live from that car. He was not to be seen again and was declared legally dead in 1982(SAN-RAH), seven years after his disappearance.
Details from:
I am very thankful to Shri B V Raman for documenting and explaining this Yoga in his book.
© Krishnamurthy Seetharama
He went missing on July 30, 1975 (SAN-SUK-SAN-SUK). People last saw him getting into a car with some more people at a restaurant parking. Authorities believe that he was abducted and never came out live from that car. He was not to be seen again and was declared legally dead in 1982(SAN-RAH), seven years after his disappearance.
Details from:
Namaste Krishnaji,
A good article. Under the case study (3) of Jeffery Archer it is mentioned that "Sani and Ravi are in the nakshatra of Ketu" however in the chart Sani and Ravi are in sign Taurus that does not contain a nakshatra lorded by Ketu. Hope I am not missing something here.
Dear Anonymous,
The chart displayed is not the Rasi chart and it is Bhava (Sripathi) chart. Hence Ravi and Sani are not in Taurus but are in 11th Bhava. If you construct the Rasi Chart you will notice that these two planets are actually in Aries.
Hope this clarifies your question.
i am in big legal trouble. Pl. could you tell me is there chance of imprisonment in below chart
DOB - 10 March 1981
Time - 04:15 PM
Place - raebareli U.P. India
Lat- 26:14 N LOng - 81:14 E
No, I don't see Bandhana Yoga in your chart.
Thanks a lot.
I am running into very bad phase of my life (lost everything). Last six months have been very tough for me.. don't know when all these are going to over...
thank you very much...
Can you please tell me if i have bandhana yoga or imprisonment? I am in a legal problem.
My details:
dob- 24th August 1982,
time- 4.05 AM
Bilaspur, chattisgarh
Yours is Cancer Lagna with lagna lord Moon being conjunct with 6th lord Jupiter and both are in trines to Rahu. Moon is in the nakshatra of Rahu. Hence, it appears that the yoga is formed technically. Also, you are currently running Jup-Rah period and these two planets are involved in the yoga. Rahu being placed in the 12th adds to the problem. Jupiter is debilitated in Navamsha. Hence, there is a potential problem. But, I notice that LL Moon is in parivartana with its dispositor Venus. This makes Moon stronger. However, I am not sure if this is sufficient to alleviate the problem.
Thank you for the analysis. Actually the problem started during Jup-Mars time.
Can you please tell me if after Jup-Rahu period which will be ending by Dec 2013, also if the legal case goes on. Then there is a chances of imprisonment? or after entering into Shani mahadasha i will be safe?
Is there any remedy for this or to get rid of this?
It is not surprising that the problem started during Jup-Mar. Please note that Mars is conjunct Jupiter and Moon, and in addition Mars is in the nakshatra of Rahu. Hence, Mars is fully qualified to create the problem.
I feel that the potential for the trouble remains very much until the end of Jup-Rahu period. Once Sat Mahadasha starts, the threat reduces drastically. However, the threat does not vanish completely as Saturn is in the nakshatra of Mars and has a common dispositor with Rahu.
Pariharas are not my area of expertise. You should consult a professional astrologer.
Sir Krishnamurthy
I like your articles very much, and I am trying to learning astrology on my own also. I read your articles and try to corellate with my own chart.
Was a bit confused and feared with respect to this yoga and my chart, can you clarify if it applies to me?
DOB: 28 Nov 1983, 7:20 AM
Place: Goa, India
Latitude 15.54N Longitude: 74.36E
Ayanmash (NC Lahiri) 23:37:54
Lagna: Scorpio, Lagna Lord: Mars
I am going through some tough time in my life, please give help on this information.
Hi GajaN,
I don't think Bandhana Yoga is applicable to your chart. Please note that LL and 6L Mars neither occupies a Kendra nor a Kona. Same is true when seen from Moon. Don't worry and relax!
thanks you sir Krishnamurthy for the above reply. Also can you shed some lights on this statement below please? I read this in another astrology page.
I am not sure but from rashi chart i thought this applies to me. Would you have any information?
“If the planet Mars is within 30 degrees with the planet Saturn (equal to one sign or one house in astrology) or it is in square aspect with Saturn by astrological standard (equal to 90 degrees with the difference of 8 degrees allowed). And with this configuration, any one of the other planets is in the Sign Scorpio (specially Jupiter or Uranus), it shows the danger of committing Suicide”
Which book would you recommend to understand basics of vedic astrology?
I have not come across with such a phrase. You should note that astrology books are full of such combinations. But, these are applicable only under some specific conditions. These conditions were not mentioned in writing but were only passed to the students in olden days during oral tradition, in secrecy. Hence, applying them blindly without understanding the big picture or verifying on many charts is not correct.
You should stick to one source at the time of learning the basics. I recommend Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (BPHS).
Hi Krishnaji,
Please tell me if I have bandhana yoga in my chart.And when can it happen?
17-02-1975,11:45 am
Thanks & Regards
Hi Rohan,
Are you sure your birth details are accurate? What is the source?
Hi krishna ji. Iam in deep mental distress. Some one very close to me is going to be behind bars. can you please tell me whether bandhana yog is in his fate and if so.. for how long ?
DOB- 27 october 1982
TOB- 2201 hours
POB- Pauri garhwal, India
Hello sir,
Twice (April 2007 and August 2010) I have been called by police station for enquiry of compliant which was given by my wife. Is there any Bandana yog in my chart? as Venus is my 1st and 6th lord and placed in 12th house. my DOB 03-03-1980 time 12:25 PM, Bellary, Karnataka.
DOB : 28 APR 1977
TIME : 01.15 AM
My very close friend with the following particulars is facing legal problems since 1997:
DOB - 09/02/1969
TOB - 0805 am
POB - Rohtak, Haryana
He was behind bars in 1998 for about one year. Please tell if he does have any bandhan yog now or in the future.
Hi sir
I trapped in litigation of my love marriage from aug, 2010. I arrested and returned out from jail after 53days. Till now, case is not solved. I think that i have bandhan yog due to sun and jupiter.
Plz tell me when the case will be there any imprisonment??
Dob-13.5.1982 time-10.55am Bokaro.
Hi Gautam,
Your chart shows a different bandana yoga other than what has been given by me. Your Rahu and Jupiter are causing it. Can you give the date of your first arrest? You are currently running Rahu maha dasa, I guess your problems started during Rah-jup.
Sir, I m trapped in a false case. I want to know whether this yog is formed in my kundli. My details. Dob 9 June 1972. Time 22.05 place mumbai.
Please reply soon.
Hi Needhelp,
I don't see regular bandhana yogas in your chart.
my Date of birth is 31may 1990
my birth place is Rourkela, Odisha
I want to know whether I have bandhan yoga or not ?
Hi Piku Ray,
Though I don't see direct formation, I do see subtle linkages to the planets that could cause bandhana yoga. Hence, the chances can not be ruled out and one should be careful in their behaviour and attitude towards others.
Thank you sir, But I would like to know that whether I will be prisoned or not ? and on which ground I will be arrested ?which Year ?
Hello sir may i know about Bhandana yoga please.
DOB - 13/11/1982
TOB - 10.45 am
POB - sindhanur (karnataka)
Hi Ishwaraprasad,
I don't know if I should answer your query as you are asking about another person. He may not like his chart to be discussed in public behind his back.
Thanks for your feedback on my work.
Hi Piku Ray,
Since the indications are subtle in your case, taking proper precautions like having good attitude towards others and even towards people whom you don't like would mitigate the indications in your chart. Try to apply your free will to counter your karma.
Sri AstroKrishna,
You can discuss my horoscope as it would help others here in learning about bandhana yoga. It would also help me in learning about the same. My nephew asked my permission before he posted that comment. He is living with me. I feel I have bandhana yoga in my chart because the rules you quoted apply to my chart as well. I have lagna, Jupiter and Ketu which have nakshatras ruled by Ketu.
But since I am not a professional astrologer I could be wrong. One way or another it would be interesting to hear your feedback. Thank you in advance.If you like you may delete it later on if you feel to do so. Take care and I wish you well.
Once again I was born in New Delhi on 13th March 1956 at 1.37 AM. My name is Shankaranand Jamadagni.
Sri AstroKrishna,
I meant to say I have lagna, Jupiter and Venus all of which have nakshatras ruled by Ketu.
Sri Shankaranand,
Since this is a sensitive issue, I didn't want to discuss a third person's chart without his consent.
Coming to your chart,
Lagna lord Jupiter is in a Kona, sixth lord Venus is also in a Kona, Venus is in Aries Rasi and Jupiter is in Aries Amsha and thus Venus can influence Jupiter. Also, both Venus and Jupiter are in the nakshatra of Ketu. This fulfills the necessary conditions. How was your Ven-Jup period? Did you face any problems? Ven-Ketu period might be crucial.
Sri Astrokrishna,
Thank you for responding. We commented on your blog because of your input on bandhana yoga and the rules you posted which applied to my case. I have known about this for a long time and so I am always extra careful how I behave. A few astrologers had warned me about my chart on bandhana yoga.
It is funny you asked about Venus- Jupiter period. In 2012 I had two major surgeries and another person driving a truck hit my car while he was talking on his cell phone that year. Fortunately by God's grace I was not injured. I anticipate further health problem in Venus-Ketu dasa periods if I am still alive then.
The only time I was involved with the police or had legal trouble was in !991 in Mercury-Saturn period when I assaulted someone who was making fun of my ethnicity, accent and skin color abroad. The matter was settled out of court.
But for some strange reasons I am always nervous about law enforcement. I don't know why.
Thank you for replying.
Can you tell when the bandhana yog will be over as my husband is in judicial custody since 28th aug 2014.his date of birth is 29 november1970 and place of birth is lucknow. Time of bith is 3.10 pm
Please help me know when the bandhana yoga of my husband will end . He is in jail since 28th august 2014 and it is more than 9 months now . His date of birth is 29 th november 1970, 3.10 pm and place of birth is lucknow. Please help me .
Dear Sir,
My Date of Birth is 19-5-1975 and time of birth is 8:45AM. Rahu is in 6th house (scorpio sign), Guru+Mars in 10th house (pisces sign).
My question is Rahu in 6th house scorpio is weak/ debilitated, does it mean that Rahu mahadasa will be bad. However some of the other opinions suggest that Rahu exalts in Scorpio (especially South Texts), since Rahu gets aspected by 10th house Jupiter Rahu MD will be good. Rahu's dispositor - Mars in 10th house which is a trine from Rahu (6th house) should be looked into as well?
Learned astrologers in this forum, please suggest.
Hii Krishna thank you giving so much details on Bandhan yog I would like to know abt myself as I have been advised that I am also falling for this Yog
9th Feb 1980
7: 22 AM and Mumbai
Please u can post here and request for aaap
Sri Parekh. All of the requirements regarding bandhana yoga as stated above by Astrokrishna thankfully do not meet in your chart. You don't have to worry about being imprisoned unless you deliberately break the laws of the places you live in. Your 6th house lord Mercury even though influenced by Ketu and Rahu occupies the second house which is not a kendra or kona in lagna chart. Yes your 6th lord Mercury somehow influences the lagna lord Saturn because it is in Saturn's sign Aquarius. Your lagna Lord Saturn occupies the star Dhanishta whose ruler is Mars.I would not worry too much if I were in your place. Let's see what Astrokrishna has to say.
Hi Parekh,
Someone has already given a good reading on your chart. I agree with those opinions. There is one more bandhana yoga that gets formed in the 12H. Your chart does not show that as well.
Husband in jail already since Aug 28, 2014.
Here, the bandhana is caused due to Mars. LL and 6L Mars in 12H from Moon. It has happened during Sat-Sun both disposited by Mars. I have not found a consistent method to find the date of release. However, in this case he might be release very soon. Please let me know the date of release, that will help my study.
respected sir
i want to know about bandhan yog in my kndali
i am already face 3 month jail term in false case in2011
is there is any other chance in near by future .
dob 14-01-1983
time 22:52
place jaipur rajasthan
You should be careful till you complete your Rahu dasha.
Sri AstroKrishna, I really enjoyed your post, and I wonder if it is correct to consider Bandhana from chandra lagna, as in this chart ??.
natal Chart
Date: May 3, 1972
Time: 16:15:00
Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)
Place: 98 W 19 '52 ", 26 N 10' 13"
Madero, Texas, USA
Hi jadir cachoeira,
Yes, the yoga exists from Moon sign. Also, I would like to clarify that what I have explained is one of the important bandhana yogas, and it is not the only one. There are a couple of others as well which could indicate arrest/kidnap.
Nameste sir,
in your article you mentioned you use Sripati method for finding bhavas. Should lordships (functional nature, yogakarakas etc.) be taken from bhavas and not rasis ?
Thank you sir.
No, lordships etc., should not be picked from Bhavas. They should always be picked up from rasis. Bhavas show only relative positions of planets with reference to lagna.
Hello sir,
I have been told that i can go to even prison during july 2018 to oct 2019 as my yogini dasha is bramhri-rahu durinf this period.I am very stressed.please advise me.
Name :shashwat shukla
Date of birth: 01 feb 1980
Place of birth: hardoi
Time of birth: 05:15 Am
Please tell if there is anything to worry.
Pls help i asked u about my husband's bandhan yoga...facing legal problem falsely implicated
Hè is also a B.E.electronic
Dob...29th November 1971...00:25 delhi
Date of Birth:September 06,1973 17:52:00 PM
Place:Ponnuru Nidubrolu,Andhra Pradesh,India
One of the astrologer told me, there are stronger chances that I will be behind bars
12th house is the house of “Jails and Bars “. Jupiter is debilitated in my 12th house and is also giving aspect to 6th house which is the house of enemies and disputes.
Further , 6th house lord Moon is with Rahu and Rahu itself is karak of bad elements in society . Rahu in transits had moved to 6th house ( house of enemies and disputes )
Further , I will be running Rahu main period from 10/Feb/2018 and thus as of now also and period from 10/Feb/2018 will be tougher in relations to enemies , court case and you can go to jail too . Please throw some light on this prediction.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Pls help i asked u about my husband's bandhan yoga...facing legal problem falsely implicated
Hè is also a B.E.electronic
Dob...29th November 1971...00:25 delhi
In this case, unfortunately, bandhana yoga can be seen in the chart as LL Sun and 6th lord Saturn are in kendras and strongly aspecting each other.
What's the duration and what is the remedy for the it can be prevented
It is very difficult to predict duration etc. It could be from few days up to a couple of years. Shani shanti could be taken up.
Date of Birth:September 06,1973 17:52:00 PM
Place:Ponnuru Nidubrolu,Andhra Pradesh,India
Do I have bhandana yoga in my chart, Please help.
Hi from Ponnuru,
Bandhana yoga not properly formed, no need to worry.
Hello sir,
I have been told that i can go to even prison during july 2018 to oct 2019 as my yogini dasha is bramhri-rahu durinf this period.I am very stressed.please advise me.
Name :shashwat shukla
Date of birth: 01 feb 1980
Place of birth: hardoi
Time of birth: 05:15 Am
Please tell if there is anything to worry
Hi Shashwat,
It doesn't look like there will be a jail term for you.
Please tell me if you see bandana yoga in my chart. I seem to be in some problem now.
01.26.1984 02:30AM , 14.4663° N, 75.9238° E
scorpio lagna, swati nakshatra, tula rashi
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